"Ha ha!" Duke suddenly smiled, "it’s not necessarily! Everything has a turning point, but it is impossible to master the method and be bound by your own poor imagination! "

The strength of Yugsarong has been weakened since then.
From the time it lived in hld to the time it was forcibly dragged into this world, its strength dropped sharply. Although it is still very strong, it is no longer the Titan warrior who had to be the strongest 25,000 years ago to overturn the Super Baal.
Its strength is rapidly declining, and it regains consciousness before the four guardians, so that Du Mouren’s magic net has to invade the crazy ladder.
The Titan Rune Array of Marigos and the Titan Magic Formula obtained by the stealer in Duke Alcavon’s treasure house perfectly enhanced Duke’s strength.
An exhibition behind Duke, a huge French circle.
Duke rarely sang a spell to "swear before the soul of the pantheon titan Azeroth that Duke Marcus is the one who achieved the order of the planet and killed all the chaotic and evil people …"
Duke’s sound is not loud, but the tens of millions of Titan runes resonate behind him, making the mantra sound clear. Audoul is this Northrend snow world
Not only can Arthas, the Lich King, hear it in the Ice Crown Fortress, which belongs to the Ice Crown Glacier area, but he has also heard that Azhuo Nerub has fought in Muradin and killed Zudakvarian in the keel wilderness.
Everyone in the whole continent who crossed the heroic realm or the morning star mage clearly heard Duke’s spell.
The magic network becomes denser, and every inch of the magic network channel flashes with elemental brilliance.
The elements of the four elements are all extracted crazily, compressed and refined, and finally gathered in the magic net.
When the magic energy resonance in the whole crazy ladder reaches its peak, a bright beam of light penetrates from the magic net and injects into the face of Ayesh!
The body of the Chapter 1641 Yogger Salon fall! Happy New Year’s Day! )
"No, it’s impossible! How can you manipulate such a huge force as a mere demigod! ?” Staring at eyes as bright as thunder light arcane energy, Yogger Salon finally got a little scared.
Thunderbolt is the wind element.
The damage of a single basic element is difficult to give a fatal blow to Yugsaron.
But Titan energy, the origin of arcane elements, has a higher mystery.
It’s ridiculous for Yogsalon to hide in the cage in front of a real master.
Every evil spirit is lean.
When Duke, the so-called moral exercise center, injected huge arcane energy into Ayesh, Yogsalon decided not to gamble.
It doesn’t have a huge body in the whole football field, and at this moment it becomes a bit unreal and unreal.
Yeah, it’s back in the cage
Even in this state, it won’t last long
Not only that, but its biggest mouth seems to be so big that it stared at Duke with one eye.
[crazy stare]!
This evil move will cause huge and special shadow damage to the target and add terrorist mental damage.
Even Duke never dared to eat hard.
After eating this trick, Duke will become brain-dead!
Just because Duke doesn’t dare doesn’t mean someone doesn’t dare!
Just before Duke, a sacred figure opened his arms, and his semi-illusory golden body firmly blocked Duke’s complicated golden circle, which contained divine power, and also hit him!
Alonso Faoduk’s biggest card against Yogsalon!
This respectable old man and deceased, with his lofty private spirit, still defended Azeroth with his soul and made his contribution even after his death.
After resisting an ancient evil god’s attack, it will be different if he can’t help!
Leo Fuding and Gavin Ladd Doom, two silver five saints, are behind their teacher again today after 25 years!
Duke narrowed his eyes, and the scene in front of him made him go back in time.
That year, the Five Saints of Silver were not uncles.
Although a Gavin Rudd is bald and strong now, his heart will not change!
They are still at the forefront of fighting evil!
"Thank you …" Duke sent a faint thank you, and all three of them heard them and nodded slightly back.
"No, I am the king of Azeroth! This is the world, not me! You damn guardians and mortals can’t stop me from marching! " Yogger Salon still frantically shouted that every mouth of it was vigorously closed and made a clang that was almost metallic.
In Duke’s eyes, this is more like a negative dog whining.
"It’s ugly! Yogsalon! Please die like a real evil god! "
At this moment, Duke’s artifact combination, which is very similar to a fake pike, suddenly changed.
A moment ago, it kept confusing, as if it would explode at any time. Suddenly, the two kinds of energy reached a balance, as if they had reached some hidden secret deal behind them.
The energy whirl of the staff head hilt looks like a fish of Yin and Yang in Tai Chi.
Golden holy light or golden purple blue arcane is still the same, but the spiral sword is covered with a mysterious Titan energy.
【 Ayesh 】 The head of the staff is a crow with its wings folded, but now the wooden crow spreads its wings as if it were alive, and then the crow’s mouth looks at the bottom of the hilt gently embedded with a spiral sword. The intersection of the two artifacts is like a specially made gun barrel.
Uh, God, I don’t know if Duke remembered the holy gun [Longinus]
Longinus gun, also known as fate gun.
With this gun in his hand, Duke suddenly felt that he had mastered his destiny.
He’s not the only one who thinks so. Duke players like Onyxia and Vaschi are fighting with the immortal guardians.
Without a second’s hesitation, Duke exhales.
"Die! Yougesalon "
With shouting Duke, the combined artifact was thrown out in a standard throwing posture.
"No, no, no, no!" Yougesalon’s biggest mouth is swinging wildly from side to side, pulling more curtains in front of him in an attempt to escape from this horrible shot.
Unfortunately, it’s finished
Even though I have crossed many shanzhai Langjinus guns, it is still like a light spear banging through many layers of barriers and then accurately inserted into Yugsarong’s head.
"This …" Jaina sounded almost talking.
Because she saw that [Ayesh] actually acted as a booster.
The real killing still falls to the head of [Light and Shadow Song]
Of course, she didn’t know that Duke’s move was inspired by China’s multi-stage rocket launch system.
A whole space rocket can’t be built into a multi-stage rocket headquarters, can it?