Xuanguang Jueyuan Array made these punishments self-bound.

But this law is aimed at Gu Tong You and Qiu Si. Who would have thought that Su Mo would come out as a monster?
Bear commander retreated, Su Mo followed him, and chased him faster. Turn your hand and slap it toward bear commander’s crown to suppress it!
Bear commander nai can put up his arms to resist.
He is injured, and his qi and blood are hard to operate.
It’s a simple physical force that can’t stop violet!
Su Mo’s slap will directly interrupt the bear with his arms!
The bear commander screamed, and he tried to sacrifice the symbol in the bag to send a distress signal.
But the Soviet-Mexican offensive, like a storm, won’t give him a breather!
After a palm crackdown, the bear commander felt that Su Mo’s figure had disappeared at the moment.
The authorities are fascinated by the beholder.
In the eyes of Gu Tong, you and others, Su Mo suppressed the whole person with a palm and suddenly swam forward with a low body like a clever python around the bear and behind him.
For a moment, this python wrapped around the bear commander, looked up and inhaled as if to swallow the sun and the moon!
Python body constantly expanding force!
The bear leads the burly body, and several people are horrified, and the rapid deformation body comes to a seepage crack!
Bear commander’s bones were smashed to pieces by this python, and blood fog broke out in his body!
A Yuan God flew out of the top of the skull, but before he could escape, he was smashed to pieces by the python’s wagging tail and died on the spot!
On the other side, Lin Ming looked horrified and suddenly waved his head and rubbed his eyes with his hands.
He just seems to have an illusion.
The drunk seems to disappear and be replaced by a python!
By the time he looked intently again, the bear commander had collapsed into a pool of scarlet rotten meat.
The ugly drunk just looked on his face.
The scene just now seemed to be his illusion.
It’s not just him, Zuo Zhuxuan and Guan Qian, who also have the same illusion.
Gu Tong You and Qiu Si can see the vibration in each other’s eyes when they look at each other.
Two people see more clearly and thoroughly.
From ancient times to modern times, there are many martial arts that imitate fierce beasts and monsters.
It’s too hard to copy easily and think of God.
It’s unheard of for Su Mo to have both form and spirit, which makes people visually confused and difficult to distinguish between true and false!
The war was slow to speak, but the actual process was extremely short.
It took less than twenty breaths from Su Mo’s hand to slay Liu and three people to strangle the bear and end.
Zuo Zhuxuan and Lin Ming are always on the side of punishment.
Two people haven’t recovered from Su Mo’s shock of how dare to punish Zawei. The Zawei has been wiped out.
The two men had little chance to fight and the war was over!
How is that possible?
Who the hell is this ink spirit?
I didn’t show mercy to the executioner, and it was a big killing!
He is a five-step fairy. How could such a terrible power erupt?
Is it the method of bearing the stars gate?
It doesn’t make sense. I’ve never seen him make a star gate.
What’s more, he can’t release it in this mysterious array.
Zuo Zhuxuan and Lin Ming are in a mess.
Just then Sue ink turned towards two people look up.
Zuo Zhuxuan and Lin Ming Su Mo’s eyes changed when they touched each other. They felt a chill coming from their backs, and their hearts seemed to jump to the top of their throats instantly!
Both of them are not stupid and realize one thing.
Not to mention that they have repeatedly been difficult to target Su Mo before, that is, it is difficult for two people to leave alive when they see today’s scene!
Chapter two thousand and ninety Kill them
"Not good!"
"This ink spirit wants to kill me!"
Zuo Zhuxuan and Lin Ming flashed the idea at the same time.