"I have condensed a spiritual sword in the spiritual world, which is equivalent to entering the second realm of sword meaning. The spiritual power is more flexible and more acute than before! At this moment, the efficiency of force operation is much faster than I expected! "

The spiritual heart in the ancient Qing Dynasty controls the attachment to Xuangeng’s spiritual consciousness, and a lot of earthy vitality is constantly absorbed by him, and then softened to the fluctuation of stars, desperate to throw it into the star world and cross the universe to throw it at his towering stupa.
The fluctuation of the stars is in another field, completely out of the "giant que", which practitioners in the world can understand, just like the world’s top nuclear energy expert, who has a prestigious position in the field of nuclear energy, but if you want him to suddenly switch to study line waves, he still has to start from an apprentice step by step.
This kind of situation when the fluctuation mode of soil vitality and star power transported from the star "Xuangeng" entered the "Grand Que", even the Shinto deities who were far from here but Wan Li were unaware of it.
That vastness, such as the sea foot, makes the idle soil practitioners rise to several realms. The fluctuation of great vitality and star power covers up and avoids their detection, and is officially absorbed by the ancient green waiting for the giant stupa!
By the time the two satellites arrived at Xuangeng, Gu Qing had mobilized a lot of gold, gas, five elements and reincarnation, and refined the lungs. The lungs controlled the qi, helped the heart to breathe, helped the blood to circulate, and the five internal organs were the highest in the water channel.
With this solid foundation, when a large number of soil vitality entered the ancient green body, although it felt extremely uncomfortable at first, it was quickly suppressed by him with the five-fold spirit of Dan Dao, and then he ran the avatar to make crazy refining regardless of the fastest speed!
The spleen in the five internal organs belongs to the soil!
The spleen is located in the abdominal cavity, the diaphragm and stomach membrane are connected, and the stomach, meat, lips and mouth form the biochemical source of vital energy and blood, which is the main transport and distribution of spleen. All human viscera and bones depend on the spleen’s nourishment.
Massive soil vitality helps all kinds of functions in the spleen to be visible to the naked eye, and the speed is constantly increasing. As it strengthens all kinds of lung functions, it is also constantly strengthening the function of whole body transport. There is not much blood and blood filling the body. At this moment, it is like burning, and the strong heat flow is constantly running around from his limbs!
"Spleen function is too strong, so the body will collapse if the five elements are out of balance!"
Thought of this, he temporarily stopped running the five elements of reincarnation and refined the vitality, but put them all in the phoenix bracelet of tears of blood!
The phoenix blood bracelet is an artifact, which naturally has the effect of blocking vitality. Blocking these vitality to the artifact may have a small amount of passage, but it can definitely guarantee 90%!
And there’s also an immortal seedling in it!
This immortal wood is a rare wood relic in the world. It has a unique talent. If you have enough vitality, you can grow roots, no matter what the vitality is!
At the moment, I got so much soil and vitality, and when it was slightly withered, the seedlings immediately greedily absorbed it. A lot of vitality was continuously absorbed by it through its talent, and the comprehensive efficiency of refining and chemical engineering was many times faster than that of Gu Qinglai!
On the seventeenth day after the impact of the soil attribute satellite on Xuan Geng, all kinds of soil vitality have been digested by Xuan Geng. Although the remaining quantity is still extremely vast, the distance is too far for Gu Qing to absorb!
At this time, the second satellite finally fell into Xuangeng anxiously waiting for the late arrival.
This star base is made up of hotter gas, and it has a rudiment of forming a star. At this moment, after the fall of Xuangeng, the mighty fire broke out violently and swept around and burned everything!
If this satellite hits the sixth-class star Xuangeng, which is not composed of pure Geng Jin gas, but the living stars like the giant Que, the whole giant Que tenth area can be completely destroyed by the impact to form a horrible flame, and even those defensive polar spirits will be reduced to ashes!
Hyun Yang Tianzong Town Clan Secret Code Burning Heaven Hyun Cindy Yang Fire is the true fire base of the sun. A magical power created by Hyun Yang Tianzong Zhang teaches Yunyan, which can transform the true fire of the sun into fire and kill the enemy!
But Shinto Zun is also a person no matter how powerful he is. He Yunyan can turn a large area of the sun into a real fire, but the absolute law is so huge that it is spread all over the place, let alone one tenth, that is, 1000%, 10000% and he can do it!
This shows that the star contains fire energy, whether it is equal to terror.
"The vitality of fire … the vitality of fire reaches the balance of water, wood, gas, gold and soil. How far this closure can practice the five elements of reincarnation depends on how much it can absorb the vitality of fire."
In advance, Guqing has got a very precious underwater fire. With this thing, the vitality of fire and water can be transformed into each other!
Fire and water are born together!
A large amount of water primordial energy is transformed by the magical function of water fire, constantly pouring into the position of the body and kidney and then being quickly sacrificed!
The five internal organs are the strength and condition of the whole body, which is the root of the body, the lung nourishes the skin, the kidney governs the bone, the heart pulse, the spleen produces the flesh, and the liver connects the tendons! At this moment, the five elements of gold, water, fire and earth are refined to strengthen the functions of lung, kidney, heart and spleen! Great changes have taken place in the whole body!
The heart pulse is vigorous and powerful, and it is unbroken by the wanton impact of the body essence and blood essence. Every pulse is strong and powerful, pushing the circulating end of the meridian pipeline of essence and blood essence to flow endlessly!
The lungs are connected with the trachea, and all the pipes and pores of the body communicate with the heaven and the earth. Naturally, every time you transport, you can ingest a huge amount of vitality from the outside world. The perfusion body is absorbed by the body and refined to strengthen the outer skin. You don’t worry that the absorption is too strong, so the lungs can bear it!
Spleen and kidney are also the true elements of each department, and the ability to store essence is ten times stronger than before!
These organs have increased, and his body has been completely transformed, except that his liver is still slightly insufficient. His whole body has almost been transformed into five elements, and his whole body is full of vitality, and his body is surging forward, forming a substantial, solidified, full and overbearing force all over his body!
The whole body is filled with an inexhaustible strength of the earth!
Every corner of the body is filled with this kind of earth force, and it takes him a little effort to trigger this force completely and destroy everything.
This rise is simply greater than his breakthrough from the airway in the past!