It is not clear whether the man killed by the witchcraft curse in Lujia is really a wizard or not. It is also understandable that resentment turns into a curse at the moment before he dies. Even a kind person will become evil once he is deceived.

Chapter four hundred and ninety-nine Miao village
Lu Jun sat alone in the courtyard. Since that incident happened once, most of the Lu family members have avoided it for fear of causing disaster.
For several days, Li Hu has been here for almost every step.
"Brother Li Hu, take a break."
"Nothing." Li Hu smiled indifferently and took a deep breath, which would make his mind clearer.
"It’s not dark yet, and it will be fine."
"Adults must not make mistakes when they give it to me, otherwise Li Hu’s generation will feel at ease."
There is nothing wrong with Lu Jun’s face smiling and losing the warmth of his family. There are also these brothers. If the heart is always filled with darkness, the sunshine outside will inevitably enter.
Lujia’s location is relatively remote. I want to find those who say that wizards must go to the Miao people’s living edge. The poisonous insect house has developed a controllable poisonous insect.
It’s getting darker and darker, and a dark cloud covers the moon all night. A figure appears and keeps shaking from side to side, as if carrying something in his hand.
A face that is blushing horribly reveals alcohol in the mouth. It’s just a drunken man, and his body is shaking, not only because of drunkenness, but also because his left leg is slightly lame.
There is a village in front of it. Although it is on the periphery of the mountain, it also belongs to the scenic path. This man used to be the best warrior when he was young. He is good at riding and shooting a hundred kilograms of archers.
It is a hero’s courtesy to wait after each victory. Those heroes who worship eyes can spend the night with the most beautiful women in the village.
With that injury, everything changed. In this hero-worshipping village, a new hero appeared soon, and he was forgotten in the past. Even women who had spent the night together gave contemptuous glances.
Unwilling, lonely, dragging my leg, I can wake up again and again and remember the good times.
A sneer at the figure stopped to hold the trunk in front of him and pulled his pants. With a rush of sound, his ass shook.
Just pants up and the man shines at the moment, and his eyes are glued to the front.
The white shadow shook his head and rubbed his eyes. The shadow became clearer and clearer. It was not an illusion. There was a smile on his mouth. It was a woman.
Women dressed in white are rare in scenic areas, even if they are usually local decorators.
The whole person stared at the dim moonlight, and the shadow was so beautiful, plump ass and slim waist, and then I got it directly from behind, and I kept listening to the woman screaming. It felt like I was still a hero once I got back.
At this time, the injured left leg suddenly became more flexible than walking speed, even faster than ordinary people.
The woman seems to hear the sound behind her back and look back quickly. It’s a glance that has made people unbearable. In the dim night, those eyes can’t say how charming and charming her little face is, and she quickly turned around and got into the forest in front with some shyness.
I don’t know if I’m impatient or afraid of falling down on something.
What is it?
The figure is close to bending over. It’s a white cloth towel. It’s soft in my hand and I can’t help but put my nose. Then I took a sip of the faint aroma from my face and extended along my nostrils. At that moment, my whole body shuddered involuntarily.
Suddenly, my throat was dry and I twisted the hip flask in my hand. After drinking a few mouthfuls, I still couldn’t get enough. I lifted it and poured it in.
The wine is very spicy, and it burns from the throat to the stomach. Even so, Uncle De still loves wine and likes that feeling.
The jar fell to the ground and ran quickly into the Woods. A pair of eyes looked around and there was no female figure in white. "Look where you can run!"
"Strange where to go in the middle of the night?"
Find the right from the left and climb to the tree. From a distance, it’s dark and there’s no female shadow. At this time, the whole body is hot and keeps heating from the body. I can’t help but take off my coat or pants, or I can’t take it off until I have a trouser jacket.
Still not satisfied. If you really want to take everything off, it will be fun.
"How can it be so hot!"
When I saw the fire in my mouth, it was as close as it was, and the fire came out of my mouth with a temperature, and quickly ignited the whole body. After being surrounded by the fire, I kept rolling and rolling, and my mouth gave out bursts of whining until I twitched completely. It was only half a column of incense from the Miao village in front of me, and people living in Miao village could hear the screaming.
Torches are lit one after another. Living in the mountains, facing the attack of wild animals all the time, the men in the stockade go out to get bows and arrows, light torches and get together and go straight to the Woods to find the direction.
People are already dead, curled up in a hideous face, clutching a bush with both hands, and drinking up the jars can be seen that they suffered at the last moment.
"I can’t."
"It’s strange to drink like this and not die."
"How to take off your clothes?"
It’s also acceptable to drink all the wine in an altar, which leads to physical illness and death. It’s acceptable to throw away clothes and look terrible, which makes people puzzled. Zhang Lickitung sticks out his jaw
"It’s a pity that there is no one around to take care of them. Just carry them back and bury them."
"What is this?"
A sharp-eyed person sees a trace on the ground, and the grass leaves are curled up together, not being trampled, or his cause is more like fire. How can there be a fire here?
People who die in the stockade always pay homage to each other. A few venerable old people were invited out to light a fire and set a sacrifice. According to the rules of ancestors’ stay, some people took a broken straw mat and carried them to the back of the hill to dig a hole to bury them. No descendants left. Just fill the grave directly.
Things pass quickly, especially such people are more likely to be forgotten. One day, people in Laolai Miao Village rested early and suddenly two people ran out of the face.
Hand in hand, I ran to the front of the forest until I stopped. It should be a village lover. Both of them are about seventeen years old. The burly male and female are petite and have a good face.
"Brother Afa is so scary. Why did you bring me here?" The woman frowned.
"So that no one will bother us."
"Someone died the other day. It’s scary here."
"Afraid of what I will protect you," the man slapped a chest, and the woman suddenly felt a little distressed. The man conveniently put his arm around the woman.
"You are good or bad"
The moonlight, the beauty, the breeze, the Woods and the grass seem to indicate what will happen here.
The man suddenly shivered, and a woman not far from them was dressed in white and looked at herself with a pair of heady eyes as deep and elusive as that.
"What’s the matter?"
Women cling to men’s arms and feel each other’s heartbeats. A small heart keeps jumping and docking, and something happens. Some people are afraid, and there is still some expectation.
The man bowed his head and couldn’t say anything strange. His face was tight and the expression seemed to be trying to say something.
The sound of "Lingzou" was barely squeezed out of my throat, but the girl in my arms didn’t hear it clearly.