At this juncture, Yuan Du Shi, who has always liked to lecture at the military discussion, can also speed up and quickly end the military discussion.

However, Zu Dashou, Zuo Fu, Zhu Mei, Wu Xiang and Xie Shangzheng were left behind in the big hills of Ningjun Army.
Everyone has been on business for more than ten years, and the interests are already intertwined. It is impossible to have too much etiquette in such a crisis.
Zu Dashou whispered, "Duchen Tatar is furious. Then there will be a small 50,000 people in the front line of the Daling River feint. It’s a humble guess that the number of people entering xifengkou this time will be quite a lot. If we rush, it’s not … it’s not a smart move."
Zuo Fu couldn’t help sighing, "How can the bodhi old zu not send troops? Do you want to wait for the court to cut our heads? We should have thought of it a long time ago. If the main force of the Tatars came, how could they ink for three days by the Daling River Tunpu? "
Zu Dashou couldn’t help but give Zuo Fu a bad look. "Why didn’t you say this earlier? A Monday morning quarterback and a ball afterwards? "
"You …"
Zuo Fu’s anger will also rise and he will be furious when he dies.
Zhu Mei busy dozen circle field with a smile, "bodhi old zu old left you don’t rush, don’t rush things have happened, and there is nothing left. Let’s think about the solution is the right way."
"Way? What way? You Zhu Mei want to be a pioneer? "
Zuo Fu did not dare to be as hard as a calf in Zu Dashou, but he did not feel guilty about Zhu Mei and stared at Zhu Mei like a wolf.
Zhu Mei wanted to’ criticisms’ at the moment, but it was better than anyone to bite like a mad dog.
But Zhu Mei is also white. At this time, he wants to make things worse. He is busy looking at Yuan Dushi’s way. "It’s definitely not possible for the overseers not to send troops. We can’t explain it to all aspects. At this time, although the situation is in crisis, thistle town should be able to hold on for a day or two for the time being. This is enough for us to send forward elites to stall the main force of 8 jin j’s eastern front in the past. Moreover, southern Liaoning can’t help sending troops for such a big event …"
They listened to Zhu Mei and cried to react.
How to forget Li Yuanqing?
How can Li Yuanqing not send troops for such a shocking event?
And to send troops to Li Yuanqing, they’ll have an excellent back-burner here …
Zu Dashou busy way "overseers can let shanhai Mangui lead the main force to the west, even if we can’t reach Zunhua, but we must also get stuck in the Tatar East Road, which can also win more for us and make the main force close to the battlefield."
Wu Xiang, Xie Shangzheng words are not busy at this time to echo the nod.
Yuan DuShi side slowly nodded, "Now it can be so. Immediately order Mangui to go to the western front first, and then dispatch Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Zhang Pan and Chen Liangce from southern Liaoning to the eastern battlefield to be ready for him at any time."
"Duchen Ying"
After Li Yuanqing received the news, the main force of 8 jin j had broken through xifengkou, and it was already the 16th night of the first month.
At this time, Li Yuanqing and the main force of Chen Zhong’s department have detoured to an old forest three or four miles southwest of Yongping City, ready to wait for the main force of Changli seaside to gather.
At this time, although 7,000 people have joined forces, there are still nearly 10,000 children to bear a lot of grain and hay, and the speed is naturally slower.
The soldiers and horses didn’t move food and grass first.
After all, it’s no joke that more than 20,000 elite horses play around with more than 20,000 horses every day.
Li Yuanqing doesn’t have money like Ning’s uncles, and he can also make a guest appearance as a bandit to find food from ordinary people, so he can afford to be prepared first.
Only when he was in Beijing, two dozen and two hundred and two thousand pieces of silver had been eaten and drunk.
However, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong’s financial resources at this time are just that Mao Mao rain is going to send troops to Tartars, and their brothers will be able to find more generous returns in Tartars sooner or later.
When the news arrived, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, Shun, Chen Changyou, Duan Xiliang, Kong Youde, Niu Gensheng, Li Sansheng and other officers were drinking.
Suddenly heard the news, everyone was shocked.
For a moment Duan Xiliang couldn’t help but spit out, "What the hell are they doing to eat?" They didn’t even find this kind of thing? "
Shun is also a bit stupid. "My dog is so fast that Yuan Man is afraid to be pound-foolish."
Chen Changyou said, "If the Li Shuai guard enters our side so fiercely, he will be afraid of being passive."
Chen Zhong didn’t worry too much, but he nodded his head slowly.
At the end of this group of trusted generals, although he and Li Yuanqing have already revealed some’ guesses’ to them and asked them to set various plans according to this guess.
But the core of it, he and Li Yuanqing, did not reveal much, which was known by the two brothers.
At this time, hearing the news, Chen Zhong instantly came over, and all this was almost as expected by Li Yuanqing.
Tartars proved to be a "smoke screen" to fool the western Liaoning side and go straight to it.
"All panic a ball? Ah! Look at you one by one! How come I haven’t seen Tatar? "
Chen Zhong glasses mercilessly clap on the table glare scanning the crowd.
Cried the wine table instantly quiet to all the will be silenced.
At this point, everyone’s heart is already in vain.
There is a company commander in southern Liaoning, and that is Li Yuanqing!
There is a deputy commander in southern Liaoning, and that is Chen Zhong!
Chen Zhong is the first person to be ashamed in southern Liaoning, whether according to seniority or according to merit, including his close relationship with Li Yuanqing!
Even in the longevity camp, who dares not to give him Chen Zhong’s face?

As three people frown to a surprise call.

"Go and have a look."
"Ripples, come and see if it’s here. It must be here." Creek ideas touched the uneven rock wall and said in a coherent way.
"No, I look no different from other rock? Impossible? " Man Yuan-sheng doubted that touching the stone wall made him feel no different.
"What do you think of the five statues?"
"It seems unusual," said Jin Zun, probing.
"it seems"
The word "click" ripple has not been finished yet, but it is very slight, but it must not be ignored.
Followed by "bang"-the stone wall that was rugged like a toad’s back suddenly sagged out to reveal something like a gv 10.
"This is, what?" They looked at each other.
Seeing that the mesa is a circular pattern, it is said that the pattern is a bit inconsistent, because there is nothing with some strange nicks. Those nicks seem to have been blurred, and it seems that they are no longer clear after years of wind and frost.
There are three small round holes in the center of the circular pattern, which seems to be where something is placed. The outermost notch seems to lead to the stone wall without end, and I don’t know where it leads to the inside.
"This is the prison door? Why is it like a gv 10? Why is there nothing? " Wood statue of disturbing head a pair of don’t feel.
"Maybe you have to do something in the noodles."
"What do you mean?" Jin Zun looked at the ripples and asked
"This GV-like thing may be the key to open the prison door, but this is not the prison door. Maybe we should do something."
"What to do? What should I do? " Fire statue also annoyed that hot personality dallied straight out and the fire almost burned.
"Naturally, you have to ask the old man what to do." A powerful but full of children’s breath, the sound looks around and you will see a white beard fluttering in beauty. The old man Ling came and got up and followed three or four people.

Thanks to the donation of Jinhong Pharmaceutical, Lin Fen also asked the hospital to be in charge of administration. The doctor came to pull a banner, made a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony and took some photos.

The hospital doctors also came to attend the ceremony, which was simple and not extravagant, but I could see that it was very heart-warming.
After the donation ceremony, today’s Honggong workers debugged the medical equipment, and Lin Fen also arranged a guest house for them to rest here for one night before returning, and invited them to eat a farmhouse banquet in the evening.
Fu Jingxiao didn’t attend. He left it to Xu Jinyan in the evening.
They have walked in the mountains in March and will not feel cold. After dinner, they will take a walk on the road.
Chapter one thousand and forty Wedding rings should be bought bigger.
"Thank you" Xu Jinyan still feels that he should thank him on behalf of the doctor.
"If you say thank you for coming here for personal gain, I admit that the rest is unnecessary. Today, I have already answered the question that the dean is also your junior." Fu Jingxiao said primly.
"Is he your junior, too?" Xu Jinyan thought that Lin Fen was a student of Xiao Kang, but in fact she was his direct younger brother. She joined Xiao Kang’s experimental team behind.
Fu Jingxiao was absorbed. "A medical student who can’t be a doctor can’t. I’ve already held my teacher back."
Xu Jinyan shook his head and held his arm to stop him. "If not, it’s not that you are not a doctor. Now everything you do is still in your field. If you are not a medical student, you may not feel it. These are all gifts from the past that will create such a good you."
You don’t understand outside, but she will understand you.
Fu Jingxiao gathered her waist and nodded. "Uh-huh, of course, my wife was sent to me because I was a medical university. I have already earned a focus on medical research because I hope that China’s medical care is more and more advanced, and medical equipment and drug research are also important besides doctors."
"That’s right," said Xu Jinyan. "We will try our best to do it well within our power."
He took her hand.
Although they are in different fields, they have a common belief that they will get closer and closer here in the future.
Xu Jinyan knows that he not only donated a lot of equipment to this hospital in Qiqi County, but also donated a lot of old hospitals. From the investigation to the final implementation, Fu Jingxiao will be involved, not just doing surface engineering.
When they returned to Xu Jinyan’s residence, it was very late, and the moonlight was appropriate. Fu Jingxiao prepared a phrase, "Don’t go back next month, I will go to visit my mother’s grave for you. It’s too hard for you to come back and forth here."
He has thought about things for next month and prepared for her.
Xu Jinyan is becoming speechless in Qiqi County, unlike in Beijing hospital, where one person often has to support many people, and at the same time, he also has to teach medical work days, which has been forgotten.
It turned out that it was cleared last month.
Last year, she was also delayed to go back to the grave because of the busy hospital. This year, she wants to go.
However, at present, it is really difficult to move for two days when things need to be adjusted in Qixian County.
"If …"
"good!" Fu Jingxiao hesitated, but Xu Jinyan replied, "What do I have to worry about if you go? Maybe mom wants to see you more."
In the dark night, she hugged Fu Jingxiao’s body. "Ah Xiao, you can always think that I think about everything for such a week. What am I worried about?"
He didn’t want her to come to Qiqian too hard. She has obviously lost a circle these days, but she hasn’t said anything about it.
Xie Zhiyang smiled a "another sour person, please help me in the past."
He quit the chat.
Fu Jingyun appeared on the scene with her husband, Zhou Shiyu, who has a new research project to cooperate with foreign laboratories this year, setting a precedent in the medical field.
He also became the youngest professor in Beijing People’s Hospital.
Fu Shen and Cheng Qing both saw in the news that they realized that he was not only a little doctor, but also had the wrong time.
Fu’s businessmen attended the thank-you banquet and sent congratulations when they saw Fu Jingyun’s paunchy belly. Together with those celebrities who looked at Fu Jingyun coldly, they did not envy her life experience.
This is the real answer to the popular saying "Happy sister, you don’t understand". Everyone has his own way of living. The hypocrisy and truth may arrive a little later, but they will definitely have it.
Of course, it’s not convenient for her now, but she’s also involved in all the luck of Fu’s. After three months, she will participate in the company’s regular meeting online, and the project will make overall arrangements for all the group events, so that Cao Min can make more trips.
Therefore, Cao Min was promoted in general manager office and became the deputy director of general manager office.
Experience is the time to give Cao Min strength to prove himself.
The only person who doesn’t bring a date to the thank-you cocktail party is probably the organizer Fu Jingxiao, who can talk with the partner Kan Kan and show his left finger wedding ring anytime and anywhere for fear that the media won’t see it.
Xu Jinyan teased him, "If I had known you were so ostentatious, I would have bought a bigger ring so that I could blind others." It is precisely because of this that they are busy in their own work but can still read a lot of information about him.
Although the donation of medical equipment to Qixian Hospital was very low-key, it was dug up by the media.
Chapter one thousand and forty-one Reunion in the disaster area
There was a media reception at Fu’s thank-you dinner, and Fu Jingxiao was interviewed by the media.
Fu Jingxiao smiled faintly and replied, "Compared with the medical staff who stayed in the hospitals in poor mountainous areas, does this count? They failed to answer these questions in front of the media. How can I be interviewed? China’s economic development and medical equipment are changing with each passing day, but they are still working in the front line. They can stick to their posts and silently contribute to our medical career."
His confession attracted many people’s attention on the Internet.
In particular, the medical staff resonated, especially in poverty-stricken areas, because they paid attention to it.
Of course, the Fu’s group has been stagnant in public welfare projects for so many years, whether it is medical donation or public welfare children’s fund, it has made its own efforts in this society.
Behind it is the efforts of this young business leader.
Fu’s thank-you banquet arrived in Qing Dynasty soon after it was over.
Fu Jingxiao went to Jiacheng a few days ago to sweep the grave in front of Song Rou’s tomb. As he expected, Xu Jinyan didn’t get rid of it. When he called her, she was still in the hospital. Because of the update of medical equipment, many patients can see a doctor in a local hospital, and the reception of surgery has also increased. At the same time, she has to take Wang Li to grow up quickly. In the past six months, her technology has advanced by leaps and bounds and she has been able to operate independently.
This is the greatest significance of Xu Jin inkstone.
In June of the same year, the college entrance examination season came.
Xu Jinyuan took the college entrance examination. In fact, he was on the list when he walked the exam, but he wanted to try the college entrance examination and hope to get the college he wanted to go to once.
Sure enough, he lived up to expectations, exceeding the key scientific lines and scoring high into the top three in Jiacheng.

He shivered and dared not think about it.

The emperor flew into a rage, annoyed and angry. "Fools have no waste to support you?"
The duke, the imperial commander, has been squiring around the emperor and dare not leave for a moment.
His eyes flashed. "Why don’t you take Su Linlang back and let her detoxify?" qR1
"Yes, it is necessary to ring the bell." The emperor woke up from a dream and got a shock. "The door of the palace will be sealed by Su Linlang."
By rights, he should not have left the palace gate when he calculated in his mind.
"Officer Hou, you are responsible for tracing Su Linlang. You must mobilize all the moving people for an hour. I want to see Su Linlang."
"Yes" officer in the duke should be a glance with a cold murderous look.
The emperor was really afraid of Su Linlang’s whole thing and told him, "Remember to leave a breath and break her limbs so that she can’t poison again."
"Yes" officer, the duke can’t hide his smile, which is exactly what he wants!
Su Linlang, you ruined my granddaughter and made me full of officials. This evil spirit can’t waste people.
Duguye faint wake up just heard these words changed his face on the spot "uncle huang don’t"
The emperor glared at him savagely. "Shut up. You are infatuated with her, and she has no mercy on you."
That’s why he didn’t fear this nephew.
Otherwise, I would have been in the prison for disposal.
"…" Duguye face float thick pain color hand over his chest.
The emperor frowned slightly. "Well, don’t be sad. It’s not that the emperor’s uncle deliberately pressed you, but that Su Linlang is not a good match. You know now?"
How affectionate is he? That’s all.
He has long said that emotion is the most unreliable thing, and the potential will never change.
"Don’t say that she is …" Du Guye struggled painfully and looked as white as a sheet. "Don’t want to be a marionette emperor uncle and let her live."
The emperor interrupted him impatiently. "Don’t worry about this. Send Wang Shi of Jin back to the government, and don’t go anywhere to protect the world."
"Uncle Huang" Du Guye’s face is haggard and ugly.
The emperor waved several dark guards to carry Duguye and soon disappeared in front of him.
Although there is no antidote, I still can’t move, but the doctor said that after a day, I relaxed my mind and sent a lot of instructions.
Poisoned people have been sent away, and Cheng Lang’s father is no exception. Master Cheng hesitated for half a ring before being sent out of the palace, and finally he was sent away without saying anything.
Cheng Lang in the mind is very happy "father emperor when can I catch Sue full of beautiful things? She will die if she is caught back this time. "
Master Cheng’s face is as heavy as water and his brow is furrowed. "I’m afraid I can’t catch it."
Cheng Lang incredibly light call "how is it possible? This is the imperial territory, and she can’t escape even if she goes underground. "
He gloated and secretly rejoiced.
Master Cheng’s face is bitter. "I also hope to catch her, otherwise she will be poor in the future, but she always acts unexpectedly and seems to be ordinary, but she is step by step."
Today’s trip seems to be casual and impulsive, but he doesn’t think so.
If he didn’t guess wrong, Su Linlang would have laid out the layout for such a grand occasion today.
That girl’s mind is unfathomable. It’s hard to say
He wanted to wake up the emperor, but his fickle feelings chilled him.
Then sit quietly and watch the tiger fight. It may be the best result for both sides to lose.
On the other side, Oriental Zetian looked out of the window with an expression, wondering what was going on, wrapped in cold, and no one dared to get close.
The emperor is also in a wheelchair with a heavy heart.
"Let’s talk."
He was so confident that he made a fool of himself in front of everyone and was posed by Su Linlang.
But he will soon be able to get people back … Then, he will wash his shame!
Chapter two hundred and fifty-two Chest has a dry Kun
Update the latest chapter of the evil king’s favorite imperial doctor’s concubine!
"I’ll get Su Linlang back immediately, and then there won’t be any wedding. You can take people away directly. Life or death depends on you."
Of course, he is a cripple who can’t move his limbs. Even if he goes to Chenguo, he can’t afford to turn over the wind and waves.
Oriental Zetian’s eyes are heavy and he can’t see the end. "What if I can’t find it back?"
"That’s impossible." The emperor denied it directly without thinking.
How can you not catch it? This is the palace. It’s his team.
Oriental Zetian looked cold and asked "Answer me" coldly.
The emperor was angry and felt looked down upon. "I am the emperor of Qin."
Oriental ze day coldly a clot momentum rose "that again? Lonely doesn’t mind being in the city. "
The tone is cold and terrible, and there is a majesty that no one doubts.
The emperor shivered, thinking of this person’s means, he couldn’t help but be soft and reckon that "it’s too much to have something to discuss."
He can bend and stretch, and now he smiles kindly.
No one can compare with fickle degree.
Oriental Zetian is cold all the time, like an emotionless robot. "You take your time to think about it."
The emperor took a deep breath of air pressure and his heart was stirring with anger. "Ok, I know."
When he returned to his palace, the emperor flew into a rage and sent several people in a row.
Although he can’t move, his mouth can still talk, and he is still frightened by the bloody murder.
The queen mother has the strength to lie on the soft couch with a black black mark in the corner of her eye.
"Is Oriental Zetian threatening you?"
Knowing Mo Ruo’s mother, she can best understand her son’s mood at this time.
She also wants to kill people and want to breathe a sigh of relief, but she is full of strength and tingling in her heart, which makes her have the heart.
The emperor’s face is ferocious, and no one will say, "I really want to kill him if he has something in his hand."
Oriental Zetian is the one he wants to kill most, but he can bear it for the time being!
The queen mother is weak due to qi deficiency, but she still refuses to rest.
The emperor didn’t know this truth, but he felt uncomfortable. "It’s all because Su Linlang ruined her good plan." qR1
It’s very uncomfortable for an emperor to be blackmailed
With this name, the queen mother also hates gnashing her teeth "to catch people back first."
Treat Su Linlang as a pet and push it out when it’s time. I didn’t expect it to be a beast of prey.
They all caught Su Linlang soon, but the result was beyond everyone’s expectation.

Ma Guangmeng glanced at Zhou Xingfeng and said, "What do you think of Lao Zhou?"

Zhou Xingfeng said, "Although we are not afraid of him, we have brought a lot of archers this time. Do you want to draw them out?"
Ma Guang patted Zhou Xingfeng on the shoulder and laughed. "What is it? Is to do that. "
Zhou Xingfeng also laughed. "Then Beizhi took three soldiers to lead them out."
Ma Guangmeng nodded and rushed to Pan Mei and said, "Brother Pan, you should also go. After all, you are familiar with this area and your accent is close."
Pan Mei nodding since he followed Ma Guangmeng to return home, he has been looking forward to this day for a long time. After all, a fire here will naturally attract some loyalists and reduce the pressure on Dazhai.
Smoothing down the town, the 3 Nanping Army teams are lying in the bed of a big family in the town, hugging a woman I don’t know where to rob. The woman’s clothes are all except the eyes. Pear blossoms are crying. The team is smashing it. The mouth is unusually satisfied. The big hand is wandering around the woman’s plump body. Suddenly, it seems that the heart is bored. Suddenly, the woman’s buttocks say, "If you cry again, you will kill your grandmother. Old people will rush from Jiangling City to this bird-free place. Shouldn’t you be filial to the old?"
The woman trembled and stopped crying, but her heart was bitter, but she couldn’t hide that Zhang was about to get angry. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door in a panic and said, "A captain, it’s not good. The mountain of seven villages has come and has been killed in town."
Team Zhang is no longer ignoring the woman getting out of bed and dressing, and asks, "This group of bastards still dare to kill the door, and it is another credit to hurry up and order their brothers to kill."
Zhou Xingfeng is fighting at the mouth of the town, looking at the gathering trend of Nanping Army, giving Pan Meishi a color. Pan Mei shouted, "The point is too hard, and the brothers are screaming." Then he turned around and ran away, and more than three soldiers retired because of the border war.
A captain surnamed Zhang just arrived at the town entrance and saw that this group of bandits had retreated far away. He asked, "How many bandits are there?"
The sergeant next to him replied, "There are not many humanitarians, only twenty or thirty, but the hand is too cruel and has already hurt two of our brothers."
"Hey hey this group of people still want to run? Everyone chased and caught these people and forced them to ask where their camp was. This is a great contribution. "Said this captain, yelling and urging the foot soldiers to chase it."
Zhou Xingfeng is afraid that if you don’t catch up with them and say, "Brothers, get out of here and stop fighting," those Yuezhou soldiers who fought behind actually threw a sword and left their ass and ran.
Zhang, a captain, laughed when he saw this. His heart was really a group of people who had never seen the world before. Do you want to run? So he urged the soldiers to catch up even more
This escape and a chase slowly arrived in Bashan, and now it’s noon. These bandits turned several turns in the mountain and actually disappeared and lost the tracking object. This Bashan was quiet in an instant.
Zhang, a captain, felt a sudden jump in his heart and touched his forehead. He was just about to say hello to everyone when he launched it. He heard a sharp arrow coming head-on. Before he had any reaction, Zhang was right in the middle of his throat. Zhang was in his mouth. "Ho, ho," and the two soldiers fell to the ground. When they turned around, they saw Zhang’s limbs twitching, their eyes turned white and they vomited blood. At the end of the day, they were dead, and they didn’t know who was shaking their hands. A weapon fell to the ground with a loud bang.
Look at the casualties after the war. The Yuezhou soldiers were actually "dead". Several people were injured. Just look at the casualties. At Ma Guangmeng, Zhou Xingfeng, the Nanping army, looked at the eyes naturally and asked if he would handle these Nanping prisoners. "Kill no one alive."
Zhou Xingfeng said one leng, "I’m afraid the general will fight to the death with us if he is so young from Nanping."
Ma Guangmeng laughed and said, "We will demoralize the Nanping army and then slowly disintegrate them."
Pan Mei said aside, "It’s true that you don’t know that these people are scum. People in Wuzhai don’t know what they have ruined. Killing them is also to export gas to Nanping people."
Zhou Xingfeng nodded his head and didn’t say much. Ma Guangmeng saw that things were finished and said, "Let’s pack up our things and have a good rest in Smoothing Town today, but don’t harass the people who disobey orders."
Ma Guangmeng said to Pan Mei about the weapons left by Nanping Army, "After that, we will often fight with Nanping Army in this mountain and leave. We will never stay so many weapons. It is impossible for us to take them with us. If you want to take them in the cottage, you must prepare well, but you can’t follow our soldiers. You can only get them after we have fought a battle."
Pan Mei nodded and said, "Thank you so much, General, and I don’t know about training shanzhai."
Ma Guangmeng said to this Zhou Xingfeng, "Lao Zhou, you took the disabled and that a few report candidates went to Qizhai to train them. Hey, hey, we’re going to turn this three counties back to the state upside down."
Chapter 11 Yueyang Tower ()
"Yueyang Tower was built in the late Han Dynasty, when Lu Su of Soochow built the Yuejun Tower to train the water army. Before the Tang Dynasty, this building was destroyed by war several times. In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang said that it was rebuilt in the former site of Lu Su’s parade platform after being demoted to Yuezhou. Today, there are still drawings sent by Lu Ban."
Zhao Pu and Kan Kan talked about the story of the smell of Yueyang Tower. Zi Ying, Jing Niang and Qiao Niang were naturally interested in asking questions around him. Xi Ma Yun looked at it and couldn’t wait to kick Zhao Pu away. I secretly regretted that I shouldn’t bring Zhao Pu.
After a while, Ma Yun finally took Ziying and Jingniang to visit Yuezhou. Ziying wanted to travel. Qiaoniang naturally wanted to follow. I didn’t know where Zhao Pu learned the news, but he also followed him. What did he say to relax? "One by one, civil and military" Ma Yun was also embarrassed to accuse Zhao Pu of being his own miner, so since he came out to play, he had to watch the Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River (others)
Zhao Pu was well-informed and knowledgeable, so he told the story of Yueyang Tower that it was so vivid and moving that even Ma Yun sometimes couldn’t help but be amazed. This attracted the attention of Ziying and Jingniang, and made Ma Yun want to take the opportunity to improve and cultivate the relationship between husband and wife. After the plan was completed, he was naturally unhappy.
This group of people refitted the secretariat mansion and chatted all the way. Soon they came to Yueyang Tower. The wooden structure of Yueyang Tower has four huge columns to support a total of three cornices. From a distance, the helmet looks like a flying wing. When Kunpeng came close, he found that the building looks dark gray, and there is a short couplet hanging on the first floor. It should have been red lacquer characters, and it is also a little mottled. According to Zhao Pu’s introduction, this short couplet is from the hand of the poet Li Bai.
However, Ziying and others looked at Zhao Pu and Zhao Pu with a little doubt. Just now, they said that this Yueyang Tower was magnificent after the reconstruction in Zack Zhang. It can be said that it is a famous building in the south of the Yangtze River, but now it is not the same thing. Zhao Pu Shan Shan said, "This smell is really so. Maybe there have been frequent wars in recent years, and Yueyang Tower must be war-hardened."
Qiao Niang snorted heavily and ignored him. He turned to Ziying and said, "Miss, let’s go and have a look at our building."
Ziying looked at Ma Yun. Ma Yun said with a smile, "Since we are here, we will wait to see the ancient saying that the scenery is limited to the roof."
Zhao Pu just quoted the ancient saying how majestic Yueyang Tower was, and the ancient saying how broad Yueyang Tower was, which influenced Ma Yun. At this moment, he couldn’t help but open his mouth and say, "The ancients’ way". However, when it comes to the ancient saying that Ma Yun’s belly is really limited, he can tamper with the poem of Chairman Mao, a great leader, to pretend to be the ancients’ saying, but Ziying and others are not knowledgeable people, so he actually got away with it in Zhao Pu. Because he was ridiculed by Qiao Niang just now, he was thinking about saving himself and didn’t even recognize that Ma Yun forged the ancient saying
A group of people walked to the third floor, overlooking the window, and the breeze caressed them. The mood also widened, and there were many distant places. Junshan was lush and Yueyang Tower looked at Dongting Lake, and the white sails were inlaid like gems and jewels in the vicinity of a blue lake.
Zhao Pu shook his head and read aloud, "Louguan Yueyang is full of Sichuan and Dongting geese lead a sad heart to the mountain. It’s a good month, and it’s cool after drinking."
This poem should be in line with the situation. Ma Yun couldn’t help admiring "Good poem"
Qiao Niang looked at Zhao Pu with blinking eyes and said, "Did you write this?"
Ma Yun didn’t know much about ancient poetry. Zhao Pu slowly read it lightly, but he did it on the spot. It happened that Qiao Niang didn’t know what to ask. At this moment, it turned out that Zhao Pu was embarrassed. Ma Yunxin suddenly turned out that this little girl was also stealing Zhao Pu’s help. Ma Yun had the heart to get him to talk and suddenly listened to someone behind him saying, "Li Bai deserves a poem and a fairy tale."
Ma Yun and others turned their heads and saw a man strolling along the stairs. He was about three years old and nodded at Ma Yun and others briefly. He didn’t say much. He strolled to the left window and looked out. He suddenly said, "Look at Dongting Lake today. Imagine how spectacular it was when Lu Su was training here. It’s a pity that the hero has passed away and can make people pay tribute to the window." He suddenly sighed and said, "I had always heard of Lake Dongting is now Yueyang Tower, with Wu country to the east of me and Chu to the south Gankun, Sun and Moon Floating, and relatives and friends. I am old and sick and alone with my boat Rongma Mountain, North and here by the rail how can I help crying?’s heroes have made Shu famous, and the generations also know
Qiaoniang was interrupting Zhao Pu only to be interrupted by this person, so forget it. It’s arrogant to know that this person has finished interrupting and ignored them to see the scenery by themselves. But this person suddenly came to the window and sighed with emotion. Qiaoniang said, "How do you know that there are no heroes in heaven?"
The man smiled and said, "It has been more than 30 years since the death of the Tang Dynasty, and we still can’t see the trend of unification of heaven. Isn’t this a world hero?"
Speaking of the general theory, Tian Qiaoniang is far from being choked back by that man’s airy words. Zhao Pu suddenly broke his heart and exulted that it was time for the hero to save the United States. He opened his mouth and said, "Isn’t it a hero and a result after years of trouble?"
The man sneered and said, "Is it a hero to extort money by force? If you really think so, it is natural to say."
Zhao Pu is experienced in the struggle, but he doesn’t take this opportunity to re-export and says, "Then it’s going to be like this all the time."
The man smiled and looked at Zhao Pu and listened attentively to Ma Yun’s saying, "Although the sky is a hero, there are still two people with heroic potential."
Ma Yun was full of interest and asked, "Dare you ask Sir, are those people?"
The man laughed "Shi Jin Liu Zhiyuan Department".

Ke Muqing smiled slightly and a layer of white snowflakes on his head sang "You wait"

She said, and ran in quickly. Soon she came out with a dry towel and an umbrella and handed it to her, saying, "Be careful."
Ke Muqing took it and said thank you. Before he left, Ke Muqing turned around and said, "Mrs. Mu always has a bad temper occasionally, but he really dotes on you."
Singing dazed light way "I know"
One more word of love is not love …
In fact, there’s nothing wrong with asking for too much. You’ll always get hurt yourself.
Chapter 245 Did you see me dating Manager Mu?
Chapter 245
Continuous fermentation in the net when taking photos.
Neither of the parties responded to this matter, whether denying or admitting it.
At the same time, some marketing websites broadcast some so-called "playing big cards" evidence to distort various facts to discredit the image of singing.
Come out at the forefront of singing, and it becomes a black body. Mouthwash is also said to spit everywhere.
Even the incident of being splashed by Linzi to clean the toilet was turned out. Someone found the photo of Mu Yunze’s "love" with Linzi, pointing out that Gao Song was a veritable meddler.
So Lin Zi, who had been silent for a long time, became the object of sympathy, and even the acting skills to the extreme were said to be in a bad mood after being lovelorn and inexplicably rose by hundreds of thousands of powder.
Some "entertainment disciplinary committees" even wrote articles criticizing her for getting out of the entertainment circle.
Things have not gone as quiet as sugar cube said, but have intensified.
Just like the former director of Flame was changed, there seems to be a hand pushing the whole thing forward, and this development direction is irreversible, uncontrollable and unpredictable, which is frightening.
On the third day after the photo was exposed, sugar cube finally called.
Her voice is a little tired. I think she should be more tired than her these two days
"Come to the crew for filming in the afternoon."
Singing loudly, "Is the matter handled?"
Sugar cube paused. "Sue always keeps a straight foot and is not afraid of crooked shadows. Let’s ignore him. He will send someone to protect you during this period, but we still have to shoot the play."
Sing and curl up with a finger.
Su Jinghuan certainly knows what role he plays when she and Mu Yunze are in it.
She never knew
After signing the contract, the play still needs to be filmed. Since the company made a promise, what she has to do is to start from
Hang up and sing, then go change clothes and make up.
When the sugar cube arrived, she called her to sing before she left the building, and sent a text message to Ke Muqing asking him not to come over to deliver the meal at noon. She went to the crew to shoot.
Ke Muqing was probably busy and didn’t reply to the song quickly. After a while, he stuffed his mobile phone into his pocket and went out with a mask and hat.
Building a black Maibakh parked on the side of the road out of curiosity and took a glance at it. It was really going to pass through the window there and suddenly put sugar cubes out from the inside and whispered, "Why are you waiting for the express train?"
Singing dazed, the driver next to her has helped her with the car.
Singing in my heart is full of doubts, but I still got into the car at this time.
Besides sugar cube and her, there is a driver and a muscular man in a suit and sunglasses.
Singing loudly, he leaned over to the sugar cube and said, "What’s the situation? Why don’t Maibakh go to the set and think I’m not conspicuous enough now?"
Section 177
Sugar cube also held up the sound, "I don’t know what the company arranged. I just called Qin Jie and she didn’t know. It seems that it is in the charge of another department."
Singing and watching this luxury car is always a little uneasy.
And her anxiety soon became a reality.
An hour later, the car arrived at Hengdian.
Outside Hengdian, many reporters with cameras are wandering around like waiting for their prey and wild animals to save their strength and wait for an opportunity.
Sing, frown and whisper, "Don’t stop, just go in."
The driver should be a dozen steering wheel directly in.
When the car passed by the door, a reporter took a curious look here, singing loudly and pressing her hat so low that she could hardly see her face until the reporters were thrown at her.
"What a coward"
She sighed to herself
Sugar cube comforted her "just get through it"
Sing and laugh, but it’s uglier than crying
Hengdian stopped the car after going in, and it took ten minutes to get to the studio.
Singing in front of the car specially waited for a glimpse of the wrong idea, and then got into the car with sugar cubes.
The company sent bodyguards to follow her all the way.
It’s not normal to be quiet around.
Suddenly, somewhere, a flash flashed by, and the alarm bell in Gao Ge’s heart was one second bigger, so he whispered, "Car!"
Sugar cube reacted and quickly followed her back, but she couldn’t come.
"Click click-"The sound of taking photos is endless. Just now, the parking lot is deserted. Suddenly, reporters have emerged from all directions, and they are generally rushing towards singing and ferocious …
"Miss Gao, what is your network with Mr. Mu Yunze, president of Senrui? Are those photos true?"
"Three months ago, after someone saw you get drunk, it broke the news that Mr. MuYunZe was staying at the hotel. Were you already together at that time? It seems that Miss Linzi only broke up with Manager Mu more than two months ago. Did you get involved in her feelings? "
"The original heroine of Destiny is Miss Linzi. Did Mr. Mu Yunze give you this role because of his empathy?"
Singing with a straight face and listening to these untrue paparazzi, it took a long time to say, "Everyone knows that I am the spokesperson of Senrui. Isn’t it normal for me to take two photos with the president of Hehe Company?"
She paused and continued, "Two nights ago, I was robbed by someone on the road. The photo was taken in my mobile phone. Take a photo with me. No Mr. Mu, many entertainment artists, my former director, and we all took photos. When you think about these cerebellums, you all know that someone is deliberately speculating. Everyone is highly educated. I don’t think these are all clear to me."
There was a silence in the crowd, and then a voice shouted, "It’s your word whether you lost your mobile phone or not. How do we know if it’s true or not?"
Sing a gentle smile "did you see me with manager mu?" What if there is evidence? If not, can I sue you for slander? "
She paused, and when she received the radio, she said faintly, "I am also a victim of this incident. What media people should do is to present the facts to the audience instead of deliberately distorting them."
When she finished, she turned around and asked for a car. Suddenly, something flew head-on and sang. She didn’t dodge consciousness and closed her eyes.
As soon as the forehead hurts, the sticky liquid slides down from the hair, and a smell of smell floats to sing, so I see it falling in the egg coating liquid.
Chapter 246 shameless seduce others man
Chapter 246

Tang Yi shook his head, and his mind kept coming up with that conversation with Du Qiao.

"Let’s think about it together."
Yang Han sat down beside Tang Yi and leaned his head on his shoulder.
Although there is no further contact, she can sleep together every day. Yang Han has long regarded herself as a woman in Tang Yi.
Now that her man is troubled, she certainly wants to help herself.
"Du Qiao says our feet are a huge secret, but how can there be a secret here?"
Tang Yi sighed doubtfully.
He can’t think about it without thinking about it.
"How can there be a secret in a place with such strong feet? Is there a treasure buried in it?"
Yang Han listen to also don’t know what happened.
There is nothing strange about this island. I’m afraid it is a famous place in the Atlantic Ocean.
There are not many wild animals on the island, and there are no wild animals.
There’s really nothing but the ocean all around.
"Is the treasure?"
Yang Han’s words made Tang Yi suddenly stare big eyes.
These two words reminded him of something.
"There’s no real treasure, is there?"
Yang Han looked at Tang Yi curiously. She just said it casually.
"Yes, it’s a treasure, and it’s a famous treasure, a gift from Satan."
A clap head Tang Yi excited pinched Yang Han nose.
But Yang Han really doesn’t know anything about the so-called Satan gift.
"What’s so exciting about the devil’s gift?"
Yang Han, otherwise, just listening to this name is not a good place.
A devil preparing gifts is a nightmare except death, right?
"At least I know where this is. This should be an abandoned military base."
It is normal for Yang Han not to know about this kind of thing.
But for Tang Yi, he knows clearly.
But the former is a saying, and Satan’s gift dates back to the Cold War after World War II.
At that time, the two giants of the world, the United States and the Soviet Union, conducted various studies.
Ordinary people know that it is the moon landing plan that the United States landed on the moon first.
But no one knows that there are actually many distractions.
One of the most famous is the ufo incident, which has become less and less so far.
But when communication and photography were not developed, ufo events were well known.
It is also a foreign language event that inspires human imagination, but behind it is an amazing secret.
Almost all ufo incidents are secretly planned by the United States and some false news is constantly released.
Let the world believe that it must be
Section reading 352
Landing foreign language
The significance of this lie is to wave Soviet R&D funds.
After all, a research is a huge capital investment.

Of course, when it comes to the realm of then reality, it is another matter.

The first two abilities of the then real person are very different. One ability is that the then real person can leave the ground without relying on foreign objects!
"If you want to sell these things, where are you going?"
Su Mo harvested a lot yesterday, including six bags of Lingshi, which added up to more than 700 pieces, as well as other flying swords and pills.
Yao Xuedao said, "The largest firm in the Zhou Dynasty is going to belong to Tianbao Pavilion. Some practitioners gather in the city to build branches in Tianbao Pavilion, and most of them are princes and kings."
"Tianbao Pavilion?" Sue ink light yi a frown way "Cang Lang city seems to have a"
Su Mo, a former student in Cang Lang City, once heard of Tianbao Pavilion, which is said to be more mysterious than the Lord’s Mansion.
Fix the true together? Tianbao Pavilion in Cang Lang City?
Su Mo’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
"Since the person who fixes the truth will enter the Jianghu court to intervene in the mundane affairs?" Su mo asked again
Yao Xue explained, "The ordinary people in Shou Yuan are not much different. Even Shou Yuan, the Buddhist monk of Tsukiji, has had a difficult Dan Dao for more than 100 years at most. A large number of practitioners and Buddhist monks will worship the court and enjoy the rest of their lives when they step into Dan Dao Wang."
"Of course, even if there are practitioners in various vassal States, they are almost all practitioners. However, it is said that in the Zhou Dynasty, there was an army composed exclusively of monks Zhu Ji, and there were some real people in the dynasty. This is the reason why the Zhou Dynasty ruled all vassal States and stood firm!"
For example, the Great Qi State and the Great Yan State belong to the vassal States and pay tribute to the Zhou Dynasty every year.
Su Mo suddenly said, "No wonder the Zhou Dynasty rarely intervened in the wars of various vassal States, because the demise or rise of any vassal state could not threaten the rule of the Zhou Dynasty."
"Good" yao snow nodded.
After a while, Yao Xue smiled and said meaningfully, "Cang Lang City is a vassal state, but ideal city has a Tianbao Pavilion. It seems that the Lord of this city has a lot of plans."
Only when people who fix the truth gather in Tianbao Pavilion will they establish sub-pavilions, which means that there are many people who fix the truth in Cang Lang!
What does Cang Lang City mainly do?
Will Su Jia have it?
Su Mo faintly felt that Sue’s family might have been involved in a huge whirlpool, and it would be shattered if she was not careful!
Chapter 24 Tianbao Golden Order
"I just want to go to Tianbao Pavilion to change something. You can take me to Cang Lang City." Yao Xue said with a smile.
Su Mo could see that Yao Xue’s delicate mind was worried that he would not say this if he entered Tianbao Pavilion for fear of hurting his self-esteem.
Su Mo also didn’t discover, "Let’s go. I should leave the Cang Lang Mountains."
Su Mo sorted out a lot of animal skins, and yesterday’s harvest bags and flying swords were temporarily put too ostentatiously in Yao Xuewu bags.
It’s already bright outside the cave
The monkey curled up in the corner with his back to the two people and still seemed to be sleeping soundly.
"Let’s go and leave it alone," Yao Xue wrote in her novel.
Su Mo shook his head and came to the monkey’s side. He kicked it and scolded, "Don’t pretend to be dead and send me away!"
The kick was so sudden that even Yaoxue was surprised.
Unexpectedly, the sleeping monkey seemed ready to jump up from the ground and avoid Su Mo’s black feet, grinning at him, waving his arms and turning his eyes from time to time.

It is because of the lack of powerful materials that the cultivation of the last blood fairy feat has been slow for so long. If we can absorb the divine substance in the fairy gold and melt it into the blood, we can truly show our power.

"Sinnu know life!" This peacock is a charming and lovely peacock who walks in contemporary times. It is quite different. Her mind is smart and her personality is lonely. At first sight, she knows that she is a woman with strong opinions. When she says it, she must leave.
"Wait," Qin Changfeng stopped her and asked, "How sure are you of the feathered emperor?"
That is to say, Qin Changfeng, the opposite woman from Peacock Holy Mountain, will have such a question, otherwise, if he is heard, he will definitely be laughed off if he asks a prospective emperor whether he can compete with the Great.
Peacock Sinnu’s arch eyebrows frowned and mused a little, "I’m confident that the avatar can surpass him, but I’m afraid it’s not enough to make up for the gap between the realms."
"That is not sure."
Qin Changfeng condensed a white feather fluttering in the palm of his hand and smiled. "There is a magical power in this feather. You can respect World War I if necessary."
Lengao Peacock Clan walked and heard the news, and hurriedly took over the eyebrows with both hands. be in heaven, this is the instrument given by the holy father himself. When she grew up watching this peacock, she didn’t know what a glorious history the holy father had had.
"There’s something that Saint Zudi doesn’t know when to ask improperly." Peacock Sinu told others that she wanted to ask with her eyes floating in the girl’s room.
"What do you want to ask is that I will treat that girl with ordinary qualifications with special respect?"
Qin Changfeng chuckled and asked himself, "Look, she will become the most amazing female emperor in the future!"
The peacock Sinnu winked at the news, and after a moment’s silence, before leaving, he said faintly, "Really … I want to ask, do you often wash people’s feet?"
Qin Changfeng "…"
Knowing that I said I shouldn’t talk, the peacock Sinnu had already gone away quickly before his voice fell, leaving the holy father’s adult with no chance to reprimand him.
"I often help people wash their feet?"
Qin Changfeng looked at the sleeping girl faint way "the whole world also have you can have this kind of treatment"
The next day, when the girl woke up, she saw that her garden had turned into a pool or a small lake with a golden fire lotus in it. The light and shadow were blurred, unreal and real.
"Master, what is this?"
"After tempering your body, you will soak in this lake to practice. Only in this way can you improve your physique!"
As time goes by, Qin Changfeng can get along with girls, and it won’t be too long. I’m afraid it’s time for things to change again in the future, so at this time, he especially cherishes letting girls step on the right path as soon as possible according to his plan
Qin Changfeng’s first achievement method, Shi Hao’s creation of Taoist scriptures and the method of covering the sky, has a double advantage in the world at the stage of turning to the sea
Then the next day seemed to pass peacefully. The girl waited for her brother to return while practicing hard. She went back to the altar every once in a while to see the result. Naturally, she didn’t wait.
She doesn’t know whether it is the best news without news …
Chapter one hundred and ten There are women who have grown up and have a way to fight for immortality.
Evergreen trees in green bushes and lotus ponds are morning and evening.
Six or seven years of practice and enlightenment have passed by.
The lake is still red-violet, but the little girl is now a slender and beautiful woman. Sitting cross-legged on the lake for two years, the red-violet holy power turns around along the meridian flow of the legs, which makes Ling Xue’s skin reveal a touch of purples and elegance.
She sits on the lake and spends twelve red lotus stands, but there is a perfect head. If the ancient beast cast by gold is dead, it will give off a frightening smell. In the industrial fire, it will be continuously melted by refining dregs, and the essence of blood gas will be absorbed by women from the root of red lotus along the lake.
This ancient beast has the blood of the Archaean royal family and a layer of Sendai itself. It is worthy of being called a great power, but now it has become a stepping stone for the growth of a woman with great dignity, and it has actually helped break through the mysterious realm of Daogong.
Her physical condition is so poor that every practice in the secret realm requires ten times as much spiritual strength as ordinary people, and even with enough spiritual strength, it is difficult to practice.
And this secret method of devouring the essence of his life and improving his own physique is the foundation of Qin Changfeng’s merits and virtues. She deduced that in the original plot, the feat of swallowing monty by Megatron was very similar, but I don’t know whether it was coincidence or fate.
Sunrise, moonset, moonset, sunrise and reincarnation stop.
After more than ten days and nights, when all the flesh and blood of the ancient golden beast in Liantai was refined, the woman gently shook the body and gave out five kinds of Taoist sounds and five colors of divine light at the same time.
That light is reflected in the outside through the bones and flesh, and five shrines are revealed. With the magnificent vision, there are a large number of people who are in full swing, graceful and soft, and the body is full of vigor and blood, and the innate Tao and Hua are born around the body. This is a harbinger of a successful breakthrough.
Practice the second secret realm, Daogong is complete!
If ordinary monks are great achievements, but Qin Changfeng’s younger brother was only seventeen when he became a second secret realm, it can be said that it is very common that Shi Hao was a god when he was seventeen.
However, if this woman with poor physical talent is excusable, her advantages in enlightenment can’t be reflected now, and only after practicing can the world’s talents be revealed to the world.
The white woman gently opened her beautiful eyes, and the color of surprise flashed by, and she felt that her powerful body was full of Jingxue, such as the dragon rushing, and there was an impulse to stamp her feet and crack the mountains and rivers.
For a moment, she grew up on the lake and was radiant and beautiful without shoes and socks. Step by step, she stepped into the empty autumn waters and looked down. At first glance, she fell on the evergreen tree by the lake and sat down to realize the Master.
A gentle smile appeared in the corner of my eye, but the jade arm suddenly raised its five fingers, and a piece of flying feather came out from the palm of my hand, and the white light was like a god.
The whole yard suddenly filled with sacred breath, and there was a meaning in the flight feathers, which was majestic and mighty, but it was the supernatural power of the earth
There is no doubt that this must be the seal of the flying feather. She is now practicing nature and returning to the Dharma, and she is really practicing and mastering the complete Dharma. These flying feathers contain powerful spiritual power, and their roots are amazing, but the most important virtual power is missing.
However, she will also make evolution more suitable for herself, so that Weineng can reach the limit it can reach at present.
Seeing that the flying feathers all over the sky suddenly split up and closed in the blink of an eye, they condensed two white feather dragons with flying feathers for hundreds of meters, and the arrows roared like a dragon’s breath, one left and one right from two directions and strangled the evergreen tree figure.
"Ang ~ ~ ~"
The dragon songs are full of real dragon breath, and the flying dragon is the flying feather, the holy seal of the dragon emperor, and the combination of the holy seal of the dragon emperor has overwhelming power.
Qin Changfeng is not stingy with the secret method of Xuangong for young women, but he has never taught anything about this combination. He has never thought about it himself, but this talented woman has deduced such a sublimation himself.
The female eyes are soft and the expression is firm. Flying feathers and dragons are castrated fiercely, as if without mercy.
In fact, her soft eyes represent her love for Master, her firm expression represents her belief that she will never give up, and the offensive of flying feathers and dragons is her determination to find her brother urgently.
Because Master promised that she could tear a piece of his clothes, she was asked to travel to the outside world so that she could go to the feathering gods to find her brother.
The virtual female apprentice decisively attacked with a sneak attack, while the evergreen ancient tree sat on Qin Changfeng without moving.
His treasure body is crystal clear and pure, and it washes itself out, which makes the flesh and blood seem to be transparent. The great mystery contained in the immortal body of the Taoist Emperor is more intuitive.
Seeing that his bones have turned golden, pure and crystal clear, like fairy jade to build precious bones, there is a lack of constant pressure avenue atmosphere.
This law has been tempered by the law of the avenue and the meaning of the law. On the density, strength and affinity of the law, it is a hundred times higher than that before the emperor Zheng, just like the flesh and blood. It is also unpredictable to display the magical power.
But what is even more amazing is that the emperor’s bone is branded with a mysterious image, and all kinds of runes are intertwined. If you look at the left hand alone, it seems that there is a nine-story pagoda pattern spreading from the palm of your hand to your arm. There seems to be a dragon wrapped around the keel in the right hand, and the fairy arm can crack the sky; The skull seems to be branded by the sun, the moon, the Hui Qi, a round of blood, a pale moon and a half or so eyes …
When you look at it as a whole, you can see all the pagodas, real dragons, sun and moon, flying feathers and so on, but only a picture of the avenue branded the emperor’s bones.
It is a whole, which is not only mysterious, but also contains the destruction of heaven and earth.
In fact, this is unique to Daodi, and only when Daodi is in love with himself can it be bred from the immortal emperor’s body, which is derived from the war pattern foundation.

After listening to Mo Zihan’s words, Yi Chen and the cold wind nodded, but in fact, they were still puzzled. The windmill was made of paper because it was very light, so the wind would blow. But if it was made of pure iron, where could it be blown by the wind?

It seems that Mo Zihan said, "When you two want to go back, sometimes I will make one for you."
"two! Who are you going to give it to? " Easy dust discontentedly mouth MoZiHan and cold wind feelings if you do a must be cold wind to.
"Okay, two, just two. These people are all dead. Let’s go to the front."
Pull back the digression. Mo Zihan goes to the dense forest ahead. Easy dust and cold wind follow quickly.
When I first entered the dense forest, I saw two people lying in the Woods. One of them was injured by a sharp weapon in the chest like others, and the other one had already died.
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Chapter 371 371 Wulin scourge [6]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
"He’s still breathing," said Yi Chen, and he pulled the man’s clothes to check his injury.
"There is still a wound in the chest, but fortunately there is no sad pulse."
Mo Zihan squatted and picked up the personal token with the word "Castle Peak" engraved on it.
"They are from the Castle Peak School." Mo Zihan frowned when he spoke.
See mozihan so easy to dust and cold wind also sighed.
Mo Zihan is not a nosy person. She mostly turns a blind eye to the dead people on the road. But recently, I don’t know who killed the people in the rivers and lakes with the signboard of Tuoli, which led to the dissatisfaction of the whole rivers and lakes with the practice of the North Vietnamese emperor.
That’s why they rushed back to North Vietnam from Luo Zhi after receiving the news.
"Who dares to frame the Emperor of North Vietnam?" Easy dust also frown way
At the beginning, they were Luo Yuling of Luo Zhi, or the evil spirits were doing such a thing, that is, they took revenge.
However, in Luo Zhi for half a year, all the information in Mingtang pointed to the border of North Vietnam near the border of Xiliang, and they just came back. Baiyun Mountain Villa is located in Lucheng, which is the closest city to Xiliang.
I didn’t expect such a thing to happen at the door just after I got back.
"Feng, go back and find a carriage. He’s so badly hurt that he can’t ride a horse again."
When Luo Qingyun woke up, it was already the next afternoon.
Luo Qingyun opened his eyes in a burst of pain in his chest.
This is a strange bed, a clean bed with the smell of soap was put on his house, clean and tidy, and the sun shone in and just sprinkled on him
Reaching out and touching the wound that had been bandaged, he was surprised to find that he had miraculously recovered a life in those hands.
After lying in bed for a while, no one came into the house.
Hungry, Luo Qingyun struggled to get up and prepare for bed to see who saved him.
Just as he was preparing his bed, an old man of about fifty or sixty years old came in.
See Luo Qingyun woke up and propped himself up to prepare the bed and immediately helped him to lie back.
"You are badly hurt, this time you should not walk in bed," the old man said as he rebuilt the quilt for Luo Qingyun.
"Old man … are you saved?" Luo Qingyun asked hoarsely.
The old man laughed. "Of course it’s not saving the public, it’s my master. I’m from here."
"Dare to ask the old man what is your calling name?"
"My home is called Han Mo."
"Han Mo ….." Luo Qingyun repeated the name in his cognition as if he had never heard of Han Mo’s name.
"Then where is this?"
"This is Baiyun Mountain Villa"
"Baiyun Mountain Villa …" Luo Qingyun still hasn’t heard of "This Baiyun Mountain Villa is in Lucheng?"
"Yes, this is outside the foot of the city."
The old man replied that Luo Qingyun nodded clearly. It seems that the place where he was injured should be not far from the Baiyun Mountain Villa, and the owner of this villa should have just passed by to save him.
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Chapter 372 372 Wulin scourge [7]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
"Wait a minute, old man. You’ve cooked porridge. You’ve been in a coma for a day and a night. Are you hungry?"
Luo Qingyun is embarrassed, but more grateful to "please the old man"
After the old man went out, Luo Qingyun sighed with emotion that he was deadly.
I don’t know how many generations his ancestors have accumulated before he can survive in the hands of such a vicious killer and get the kind help from the owner of Baiyun Mountain Villa.
The old man soon came into the room with porridge and side dishes, fed him medicine and helped him lie down.
The old man took care of him very carefully and didn’t say much. Afterwards, he told him to have a good rest and have something to pull by the bed. After ringing the bell, he left the door and never came in again.
The old man’s actions made Luo Qingyun feel warm in his heart and also had a great affection for the owner of Baiyun Mountain Villa.
After a while, the old man knocked at the door and waited for Luo Qingyun to answer before coming in.
"My master is back and he wants to visit you. Do you agree?"
"Your master is a lifesaver, and he is very grateful for coming to visit." What Luo Qingyun said is from the bottom of his heart. It seems that the owner of Baiyun Mountain Villa is not only good-hearted, but also a polite person.
Luo Qingyun was petrified when Mo Zihan appeared in the room with a smile.
In his imagination, he can own a mountain villa and be so kind as to teach such a person who knows manners. This person must be a middle-aged man. Luo Qingyun automatically positioned his image as a kind-hearted old man before meeting Mo Zihan.
However, when I saw a white brocade with only a silver gold thread woven around my waist, I was shocked by the simple dress of other decorations.
What kind-hearted old man is this? In front of him is a seventeen-year-old boy! Moreover, he is a powder-carved jade carving with an extremely delicate appearance, which should be the most exquisite big boy he has ever seen!
"You … are you Han Mo?" Luo Qingyun thinks he knows manners, but when he saw Mo Zihan, he was so surprised that he forgot his manners.
Mo Zihan is not surprised by Luo Qingyun’s surprise. For her, it is almost a prelude to her every appearance.
Mo Zihan deliberately lowered his voice and smiled faintly. "Now Han Mo doesn’t know what brother should be called?"
"In … in Luo Qingyun"
"It turned out to be Brother Luo" Mo Zihan fuels Jianli.
Seeing Mo Zihan and seeing Luo Qingyun, I just recovered from my surprise and said with a fist, "Qingyun doesn’t know the rank of the Korean brothers this year?"
"It’s a genius for Korean brothers to have such a big industry at such a young age."
Mo Zihan laughed. "This villa is a property left by my ancestors. I’m just defending my ancestral business."
"Even if the ancestral property is well managed by the Korean brothers, it is really unexpected that the Korean brothers can not only have such a big villa at an early age, but also have a bodhisattva heart. Thanks to the help of the Korean brothers, they will not see the sun today." Luo Qingyun sighed with emotion.