Lin Xuanji turned his eyes and didn’t want to say more.

"Then why are you sighing?"
"can you hear this?"
Lin Xuanji stared at his eyes thoughtfully and smacked his lips a little. "I can’t tell what it is, but it must be a good thing that is not weaker than the innate instrument!"
Su Mo took a deep breath of air conditioning.
This evaluation is a bit high!
Lin Xuanji explained, "There are too many sacred objects, treasures and treasures in this world. What weapons can be built the day after tomorrow?"
Su Mo understood.
For example, there is no tattoo on the bone surface of his right hand, which is better than the congenital instrument!
Monkey just find a rag and carry this iron bar on his back.
Linghu walked along the stone frame and was blinded.
There are too many baby noodles, dazzling.
Linghu picked up a long cold knife.
Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the edge of this long Dao is still very sharp, sending out a cold chill. The blade is almost completely carved with lines.
This is a perfect instrument.
Linghu fondle admiringly played with it for a long time or reluctantly put it back.
In a short time, Linghu picked up a pike again, and it was really awesome.
After a little, Linghu put the pike back.
Linghu sighed.
If only I could take all these treasures away.
Walking, Linghu seems to feel something, turning his eyes in a corner of the falling stone frame.
Where are the four hooks?
Before Linghu, pick up these four hooks and wipe off the dust, revealing that the hooks are as white as jade and almost transparent.
There are no lines on the surface.
It doesn’t look like any metal ore.
I don’t know Linghu picked up this hook, and the blood in the blink of an eye was agitated, and a strange feeling came up in his heart.
It’s like what he has in these four hooks!
Linghu heart movement conjured up Tiger Claw running Dan leaned out his sharp claws.
"Hey, it’s a bit like it."
Linghu grinned.
He found himself Tiger Claw unexpectedly these four hooks are somewhat similar.
Linghu stretched out his hook in Tiger Claw’s hand.
This touch doesn’t matter.
Ling Tiger Claw was directly cut off by the hook in his hand!
"How sharp!"
Seeing this, Su Mo’s pupil contracted slightly.
Linghu’s blood is good after practicing Taixulei tactic.
His claws are sharp and hard, even a blood quenching knife can hardly cut them off!
"Nima … what the hell is bad for your tiger paw!"
Linghu leng swearing flustered to throw these four glittering and translucent jade hooks back.
Linghu accidentally touched her fingertip with a hook.
In a flash, blood will dye the hook red!
A moment more terrible things happened!
This hook actually went in bit by bit along the fingertip of Linghu, out of his control!
the ten fingers are linked to the heart―what happens to children is of great concern to their parents
Linghu screamed in pain and screamed, and the palm of his hand grasped his strength.
Don’t worry about this grip. Only three hooks will pierce his palm.
When you meet Linghu’s blood, the remaining three hooks are also integrated into Linghu’s palm!
The whole process happened very quickly, and when Su Mo reacted, all the four hooks had disappeared and rolled around in pain, almost convulsing Linghu.
"ah! Ah! Ah! "
Linghu’s throat gave out a low roar.

"I just arranged the production line for you, and the first batch will be driven out in 24 hours, and it will be faster and faster." Before coming here, I have inquired about this blue consulting company. I know that this company has recently had business contacts with several factories, and it has been lavish-the deposit is high, and it works overtime … All these make the sales director who came here smell a lot of profits.

"No.2? Can your factory do it? "
No.2 is the "Blue No.2 Pool Group" as mentioned in the data before Wu Xiaoqing. Compared with No.1, which has just been put into production, which is similar to the brick line, the cost performance is undoubtedly much better. However, the technical requirements for charging and discharging the car pool are more stringent-but the energy density is correspondingly improved. The amount of No.2 pool group with the same volume is about four or five times that of No.1.
It sounds great, but it is actually … four or five degrees-two dollars.
However, another indicator, the production price, is much better-there is one third of the existing price of No.1 pool.
"Yes, of course, but this pool has a lot of restrictions. You should pay more attention to safety when you ask for this quantity … did you just do this design? Generally, this new product can’t be seen without running for a few months … By the way, what are you doing here? Train? "
Judging from the size of the pool designed by Cyanland Company, the most likely scenario is obviously the bullet train. If the car is obviously too small, it is too expensive for the project …
If it’s a bullet train, there are still a lot of specifications-the sales director wants to pry out more details while talking about these specifications, including whether this batch of products may be used to test the water or prepare the output in the future-Qinglan Company should be a consulting company. If we can find out which company behind them really needs it …
However, the director’s innuendo didn’t play a little role in Wu Xiaoqing’s completion. At this time, Wu Xiaoqing looks more like the technical director of the purchaser than a person in a consulting company. He is more concerned about the expansibility of the pool assembly when charging and discharging the pool. The power problem of the filling line is due to him, and he seems to be completely dissatisfied.
"… if you adopt this scheme and the pool price"
"I said that the price is not your consideration," Wu Xiaoqing said. "First of all, it is necessary to be technically reliable … Do you have any other solutions that you can consider making another reinforcement and asking for 10,000 Wh …"
"What do you want to do so much?" The sales director still has some doubts about the big customer’s psychology. "If you are doing a bullet train, the weight is too heavy and it will be greatly stretched when you charge it once."
"It will take more than ten hours to calculate the existing main charging power without professional fast charging technology." The sales director couldn’t help but scratch his hair. "This time will obviously not be welcomed by the market."
"I didn’t tell you if you could do it."
Charging time is a trouble for ordinary consumers of the earth, but it is not a big problem for the search and rescue team. Anyway, every time the pool is finished in the plan, it will be directly transported back to the search and rescue team of the earth. The total amount of the pool will be charged at one time-the time is not just to buy more pools. It is not a problem to consult the existing financial situation and maintain the level of thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of dollars.
The key is always quantity.
The No.2 pool scheme barely meets the daily needs of the flying people, even if a bowl of gruel is drunk in famine, but it is absolutely impossible to expect these flying people to beat the nine factions who eat and drink enough every day by drinking porridge.
In this interview, Wu Xiaoqing prepared the No.3 pool according to the technology of the pool factory. Although this pool volume is still a lot worse than the real Lingshi, at least a few words can make the flying sword run normally for a long time. The pool envisaged by the search and rescue team will undoubtedly become the "food supply" for most flying people in the future.
The meeting lasted almost more than 20 minutes, but the results were still objective. The sales director was smiling like a spring breeze, and almost all the way backwards from the blue consultation.
Mr. Director would like to make more friends with Wu Xiaoqing, and make an appointment for dinner as usual-stuffing a red envelope or something, by the way, but now Wu Xiaoqing has no time to send this director away, and he will immediately hand it over to the former production * manufacturer-* and also need to make a little technical adjustment and then increase the output by an order of magnitude.
When Wu Xiaoqing finally came out of the meeting room, it was nearly noon. He went straight back to his office to get a nap-Wu Xiaoqing spent nearly 10 million yuan in the company in just a few hours … It was really a rather tiring labor to spend money.
Burn all monks
Crystal clear liquid is squeezed out from the transparent packaging bag like pearls and arranged into crystal clear strings of water drops.
Yevgeny carefully controlled himself to manually reunite these gradually dispersed liquids. Finally, these small balls gradually converged until they gradually became bigger and condensed into an eyeball-sized yevgeny, which leaned over and swallowed the whole liquid with an open mouth.
Glycol vodka slowly ignited yevgeny’s body like a fire as he swallowed. This long-lost comfort made yevgeny narrow his eyes.
The search and rescue team translated the sound from the headset of "humble mortal"
According to different speakers, search and rescue teams choose different voices. Although yevgeny has heard this voice once or twice, he can instantly recognize that this is the only guest in the room.
The translation of his name into Russian is a bit confusing. yevgeny can probably understand this name as "burning all monks". The name sounds similar to *.
In fact, he seems to be a *
From a Russian point of view, the other side can barely be regarded as a Stalinist dictator-Stalin would certainly be treated as * if he were still alive.
The China people’s team has left them and can go back to the earth to rest and celebrate the holidays-they also sent themselves a special food for this festival-a kind of cake wrapped in some plant leaves, which China people call-well, the food mixed with red beans is still somewhat similar to that in pronucleus.
It tastes good, too. Wu told him to dip in sugar-but this exercise in Tai Li is too difficult. He can take a bite of sugar and let them gather in his mouth.
The only regret is that this middle period is really a bit unpalatable. China people can make dumplings and wonton so delicious, but I don’t know why it’s such a failure.
Yevgeny slightly turned to look behind him-just scold yourself that * was inside the room now he is his prisoner and he is his jailer.
The * face doesn’t look good, just like a person has been hungry for several days, and there is not much sharpness and spirits in his eyes.
Yevgeny reached into the wall and tried to turn this wall from opaque to transparent-this is easy to do. After the completion, the activities in the other room will be unobstructed. yevgeny smiled and looked at him with a mouthful of vodka.
Obviously, the other party’s baby yevgeny’s teasing expression angered him. He kept patting the wall and repeating strange syllables in his mouth. These syllables were played from yevgeny’s headphones almost at the same time
"Now let me go and I can give you a chance to live!"
"Nine factions will call you soon, and you are finished!"
"You are enemies with the whole ascension!"
These threats to yevgeny are just like a performance at dinner. They just make yevgeny laugh a few more times, so they curse and persuade the * to surrender after Wu and them leave-maybe he thinks that the only supervisor left is his best chance to get out of trouble.
This kind of lust after losing freedom is all too familiar to yevgeny
Yevgeny knew that for those who lost their freedom, this apparent toughness might be the best way to cover up their inferiority and despair. After all, what can a creature who is caged like an animal have but to vent their anger?
Yevgeny shouted for more than an hour at lunch and the * fell silent again.
Through the glass window, yevgeny looked at this person who is said to have been over 700 years old and had some regrets.
At his age, he is already a creature who is much more successful than himself.
An earthman’s physical function has been irrepressible since he lived to be more than 60 years old. Before leaving, the doctor warned himself that his body could not drink any more. But here, the alien doctor said that drinking nothing did harm to his body, but it was beneficial to his spirit. This made yevgeny feel sad. His spiritual world was so fragile that he needed to rely on bottles to support it.
And this 700-year-old alien is no different from an ordinary middle-aged person in terms of physiological function.
No rickets, no baldness or gray hair, no age spots, no common depression and depression in the elderly, and even a few deep wrinkles can’t be seen on the face.
Even when he lost his temper, his grumpy mood fully said that the other person was rich in hormones-if it was yevgeny, his temper would be unbearable for his heart and brain.
Now he is quiet, but the strength in his eyes is enough for yevgeny to envy, but he is stronger than Duff in this respect. Duff is 28 years old this year, and he is very young, but his long-term intake of poison has made him appear some old people.

Su Mo’s look changed slightly.

Bronze Fang Ding didn’t move!
Although the bronze Fang Ding is extremely heavy, the former Soviet ink will pick up its strength!
And now …
Suddenly Su Mo realized one thing.
His elixir has been destroyed and his elixir has been shattered!
His Dan Dao was abruptly broken!
Su Mo’s consciousness runs Dan’s chest center, but it hurts like a tear!
Sue ink stuffy hum a body shaking the forehead emerge a fine layer of sweat.
Dan’s dull face is covered with shocking cracks!
Su Mo carefully felt that his face was even uglier.
Dan can’t save it
Then the situation is worse!
The abdomen in the abdomen swings like a virtual black hole without a trace of spiritual force.
Su Mo took a deep breath and slowly condensed the surrounding aura.
He can still feel the aura and breathe it into his body.
However, after the aura enters the abdomen, it will disappear, and the root will not be in stop for a minute in the abdomen!
Now his abdomen is like a leaking airbag.
Water can go in but it won’t stay.
That is to say, even if Su Mo wants to practice again step by step from the condensate gas environment, it is wishful thinking!
That is to say, abolishing the elixir is the cruelest punishment for monks.
Because you don’t even have a chance to practice again!
Su Mo clenched his teeth and his eyes were filled with unyielding color. He tried his best to pick up the bronze Fang Ding.
At the same time, he absorbed the aura, and when the gas circulation was short, he hit the bag and sent the bronze Fang Ding in.
This is a very simple move.
But Su Mo spent a lot of effort, sweating, pale and panting.
Su Mo gave a miserable smile.
Practicing today, his powerful posture has pushed almost all monks of the same rank across the great realm to slay their opponents!
He is called the first Uber in all ages by major forces!
I didn’t expect to be reduced to this one day.
Although Su Mo still has a strong blood force, it is impossible to really strive for the glory of the world.
Let alone seek revenge from Taoist Xuanyu one day.
"is this my destiny?"
Su Mo clenched his fists too hard on his phalanges and looked pale!
"I don’t want to I am unwilling! I don’t! "
"I want to fight for my life even if I give everything!"
Sharp nails pierced the palm of your hand and oozed blood. Su Mo was unaware that there was a strange lotus flower in her eyes!
Fox crouched in Su Mo’s footsteps and looked up at him with a worried face.
Although she can’t speak, she can feel Su Mo’s pain and unyielding heart at this time.
Nothing is more desperate than losing hope.
Just then there was a sudden chanting outside the door.
"If I smell kindness, cultivate one’s morality, be good at Buddhism, wisdom and wisdom, I will know that there are tens of billions of beings in the world …"
As pure as Sanskrit, the free time reverberates endlessly and moistens the dust heart.
But someone is chanting scriptures outside.
Chapter five hundred and eleven The ancient temple in ten thousand
This sound interrupted Su Mo’s thoughts.
There are really living people in the valley where dragons are buried!
Su Mo pushed the door and saw a young novice monk sitting cross-legged on a futon with an ancient book on his chest.
Su Mo Zheng slightly.

Wu Xiaoqing’s dot in the map is the center of a huge spherical structure-there should be layers of walls in front of him, but what he sees now is a virtual and seemingly real scenery-and the search and rescue team told him that those are the real scenes being played.

"Planet 0 Living Area"
Instead of the scenery, the room scenery is a strange and strange forest land and lawns are blooming. There are many trees in front of me. Wu Xiaoqing reached out to touch the latest one. It was not until he passed through the tree that he found that these scenery were as optical as the characters he saw before, but the optical effect was too realistic. After passing through it, Wu Xiaoqing turned his head and looked back. There was still some disbelief.
This made Wu Xiaoqing unable to judge the size of the whole room. From his perspective, he saw a whole boundless forest in front of him, and even some strange animals could be seen in the distance. But when he went in that direction, the animals disappeared. When he fled in the direction of the animal and prepared to chase it, the forest in front of him slowly faded into a black wall. Wake up, Wu Xiaoqing has now entered the boundary of the house.
After Wu Xiaoqing returned, the scenery resumed again.
"High-speed lanes only indicate directions"
This should be the direction of the expressway here, which is a forward arrow in the air. No one can be seen in the whole "road", which makes Wu Xiaoqing naturally think of a question, "Big Brother, is there no one living here?"
**** *w*w*w********
"Where?" Wu Xiaoqing said, "Can you show me?"
"Don’t worry, keep walking."
After crossing the expressway, a door is called "Planet 0 Operation Room"
The door of the operating room is open to the search and rescue team. They said they didn’t have limited access. They could pass by and continue to walk inside. The passage was narrow all the way. There was no virtual picture and no sign. About twenty minutes later, they stopped in front of an inconspicuous small door.
Unlike before, when I walked to the door, the door was automatically typed. This door was closed and there was a row of black characters, which translated as "waiting to be awarded"
They waited for a minute, and then the door knocked.
This is a dark room with a small room wall and a row of small cabinets with the words "energy reserve area" written on the counter.
According to the requirements of the search and rescue team, Wu Xiaoqing approached the cabinet and hit the first cabinet. There was a long glass tube the size of his arm. The glass tube was dark gray and felt very light in his hand.
"You can understand this thing as a pool," the search and rescue team said. "This time, the Ministry just found such a pool and brought it here."
Wu Xiaoqing carefully looked at a pool that looked like a solar tube. He didn’t feel anything strange. He asked cautiously, "How to find this pool?"
Wu Xiaoqing heard that the search and rescue team described this before, and it was much more difficult to say this than the first two.
In that case, it must be quite difficult to find this kind of glass tube by yourself.
The search and rescue team said, "I don’t know yet."
"Then what is this tube for?" Wu Xiaoqing saw that she could prepare this translation to react.
"Pool can have another way … that’s it."
"That …" Wu Xiaoqing naturally thought of "bringing some pools from the earth. If it’s not enough, just bring a generator."
"The theory is feasible. If it is diesel fuel, we must first prepare enough oil … well, about five million barrels is almost enough. If converted into dollars, it is about more than three hundred million dollars. But so much oil is equivalent to half of the annual output of Russia. It is impossible to keep it secret. To convert this large-scale oil into energy, we must also build a special oil fuel-it is difficult for us to do both manpower and technology."
"Five hundred … ten thousand barrels?" Wu Xiaoqing looked down at her hands, and it felt a lot heavier with the dark pipe.
300 million dollars!
What makes Wu Xiaoqing even more incredible is not this order of magnitude, but the way the search and rescue team thinks about the problem-he really considered the feasibility of this plan, and if he could see the figure of 5 million himself, he would have given up completely.
"What’s in it? Nuclear material? " As far as Wu Xiaoqing knows, the thing with the highest energy density is the nuclear fuel rod, but he can’t tell how high it is.
122 antimatter pool
"Against … what?"
Wu Xiaoqing still understood this term, and the junior high school physics teacher said this word was compared with them-that is to say, this antimatter will explode when it comes into contact with normal positive matter, which is worse than *, and he remembers this-worse than * that is very, very bad.
"You’re holding an antimatter device, but it’s finished. We need to find one full of it."
Wu Xiaoqing asked the silly question again, "Where can I find it?" Then he immediately realized that the search and rescue team had answered him just now.
"That this tube … exactly? What is so important? "

So he asked the Buddha for the purple and gold bowl, and later when someone asked the Buddha for the truth, Ananda asked the man for the price with the purple and gold bowl.

A word of truth requires a bucket of gold.
The Buddha sighed at that time.
Ananda is the Buddha who is merciful and unwilling to see him and collect the price.
The Buddha said that the Buddha’s compensation was not because of compassion, but because the Buddha himself had a little escape.
All living things are suffering, and all living things want to be free, but they wake up sooner or later, young or old.
If all beings have to pay the price when seeking liberation from Buddhism, who can afford the price of all beings?
From this, the Buddha advised him to let Ananda go, but the venerable became a little obsessed with trying it. How much do all beings value Buddhism?
Later, the Buddha inherited the Buddha’s dharma, and the kingdom of Guangxi gradually spread to further distances.
Every time a creature throws himself into Buddhism, he will add a weight to the purple gold bowl in the hand of Ananda, who pays the price in the dark.
Maybe it’s a little gold, maybe it’s brass gold paint to reshape the golden body, maybe it’s chiseling a cave in a stone wall to carve a Buddha statue, maybe it’s handwritten scriptures, maybe it’s sincere, but it’s more about escaping from thoughts and seeking peace of mind, blessing and future sustenance after doing evil.
At that time, Ananda Venerable knew what misery meant.
The three great arhats of Buddhism are all people whose blood and will are so pure that all buddhas and bodhisattvas admire them.
However, the three of them have different reasons for taking this road.
The dragon-descending venerable was abandoned by Daoji monks, and naturally new positive results were put into his arms after his persistent release.
The venerable Jia Ye is due to the true meaning of that blissful light, and the endless light constantly washes the soul and the body has accumulated to the present level through time.
Only this Ananda Zun was oppressed by the cost of seeking Buddhism through the ages when he held the Zijin bowl with both hands and the price in the bowl with both hands.
In order to carry that unimaginable heavy Ananda venerable, the magical power was abruptly pressed into the flesh and blood, and the golden body and the fruit were bent, and the will was overwhelmed and it was difficult to give birth to more distractions.
He is the only big arhat that has been squeezed out.
Fortunately, less than 30% of the world’s Buddhism has been involved in Terran today, and even less than 10% of all intelligent creatures are willing to hold Buddhism.
Otherwise, even the big arhat would have been crushed to death.
Thousands of years ago, even when the Great Thunder Temple in Lingshan was invaded by the black lotus, Ananda did not put this purple and gold bowl.
Until this black lotus cut off the remains of the Buddha’s golden body, and until avalokitesvara and earth treasure bodhisattva pleaded with Ananda.
"The Buddha’s power has not yet been completed, and the layman has not been able to pull this big screamo temple out of the underworld. We have no other way but to put this purple and gold bowl!"
"Hell will never become a Buddha! Hell in the underworld is already a poor monk, and it has not yet come to fruition.
Ananda, the Buddha is still in hell. "
These two Bodhisattvas mustered their last strength to push the forces from Lingshan and Chang ‘an into Ananda’s body and help him throw out the purple gold bowl.
At this time, the spirit boy was surrounded by the vast sea of soup and was pinned down by the dragon.
I heard Ananda, the venerable one, chanting with both painful struggle and liberation.
Zijinbo flies away
The Great Destroyer split the palm of his hand, and the Zijin Bowl collided for a moment, and there were ripples in the Zijin Bowl.
Countless scenes, the ripples in the ripples, the sparkling and disappearing one after another.
It is that circle of ripples that contains the price paid by tens of thousands of Buddhist believers in the world when practicing Buddhism.
The price is to replace things.
At that time, many good faiths bought Buddhism at this price, and now Ananda Zijin Bowl bought the dark power of the Great Black Lotus at this price.
The big boy’s eyes changed slightly and he felt that his hand seemed to have been sucked. The Zijin bowl could not be taken back easily.
And every circle of ripples in the Zijin bowl will weaken the strength of the soul boy and replace some with something I don’t know.
Lingtong’s lips and teeth are slightly open to recite the mantra of extinction, and things that are replaced by other bodies are constantly excluded
Pearl, Baoyu, brass, ancient clock, hand carved wooden fish, irregular gold, broken stone carving, burning through …
All the departments have turned into fragments, and dust has volatilized from the body of the Great Destroyer, and the star around him has been completely destroyed.
Don’t forget the words, the wonderful words help him shake the purple gold bowl, but the ripples are more intense.
An Nan Zun’s eyes showed great heartache and almost said "I Buddha …"
Every price in the Zijin bowl means that some Buddhist believers in this world have lost their Buddhist fate.
They will no longer be devout in Buddhism, and will forget the influence of Buddhism and Dharma and turn to him, and even attribute the merits brought by Buddhism to him.

Four Taoist priests who returned to the virtual world were killed and wounded, not to mention Yuan Ying Zhenjun, then Zhenren and Godsworn Tsukiji.

Whether it is the younger generation of monks or the top masters, the four clans are all competing with each other.
"This has not been destroyed, so it can be seen that the position of the misty peak can be shaken in the next Millennium!"
Sunday regrets one
This time, when he returns to the city, he will prepare many panaceas and send monks to the dimly discernible peak to send gifts.
"Go back"
Sunday waved and led the crowd away.
Su Mo followed Yan Beichen into Lei Yin Valley.
Yan Beichen waved a cloth to cut off the rolling outside. Lei Yin then quietly looked at Su Mo with a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.
"You have to go with that secret in Xuanjinsijia?" Yan Beichen suddenly asked
Su Mo nodded and said, "Thank you for your predecessors."
Yan Beichen pie pie said, "Too much thunder tactic is said to be the secret of what Lei Huang learned in his later years, but it is a pity that he got a page in the ancient battlefield."
Thunder emperor!
No wonder at the beginning, with the formula in this page, you can wash away the need in your blood.
It turns out that the thunder tactic is so big!
A few Hou Yan Beichen asked, "Did you get the sword in the ancient battlefield?"
Sumo frankly admitted
It’s normal for the monks of the Zhou Dynasty to fail to recognize the lost sea for many years.
However, in front of the super clan in mainland China, Shura Zongshen Yan Beichen is returning to the virtual environment, and the strong Su Mo art of using saber naturally hides from him.
Sue ink heart move back before didn’t think through one thing.
Thousands of years ago, Daoshan Linghai Shura lived in Tianjiao Dao …
Many clues are in front of us, and a thing that has been going on for a long time is gradually becoming clear.
"A thousand years ago, in the ancient battlefield, I got Dao Huangcheng’s Tide Volume. Shura Zongtianjiao … is it your predecessor?" Su Mo blurted out.
Yan Beichen nodded.
Su Mo suddenly
No wonder Qian Yan Beichen looked at him so strangely, like looking at a younger generation.
That’s not just because he’s a dimly discernible peak brother, and he’s got the Taixulei formula.
More because the two men got the knife emperor’s inheritance in tandem!
"Give me a knife, let me see how much you have won!"
Yan Beichen’s palm slightly holds up the aura and condenses towards his palm.
Blink into a long cold knife.
Yan Beichen no longer speaks. It’s a knife.
Su Mo reacted very quickly, and drew out the blood quenching knife for countercurrent, which directly led to the countercurrent type in the dinghai volume.
The collision of the two knives burst into a crisp spark.
The power of this knife is not heavy.
Su Mo can clearly feel that Yan Beichen will suppress his strength to a similar level, just try his knife!
Yan Beichen’s knife has reached the level of "potential"
After a knife, Yan Beichen’s face and wrist turned and a knife was quietly stabbed.
Knife trance elusive murderous look suddenly generate mind thriller!
"Not good!"
Su Mo’s heart almost burst.
This murder enveloped Su Moyan and Beichen really wanted to kill him!
His consciousness spread its wings and dodged backwards.
But as soon as the spirit wing was stretched out, it collapsed and melted into a little Guanghua scattered in the void.
Don’t worry, it must be Yan Beichen!
Su Mo’s legs slightly flexed to carry blood and wanted to jump back and dodge.

Huang Xuan became more and more worried about P112 several nameless moths.

Chapter three hundred and thirteen Looking for JiXuan (3)
Bagging seems to be a lot of leisure every day. When Saeed called his horse, he appeared on the 19th floor. He still looked like a fat Maitreya. He looked at Huang Xuan and then at the two people behind him, patting his belly and saying, "Ji Xuan, I have really listened to your name for several days."
"Huh?" Huang Xuan shrugged. "I don’t understand this. How do you know me?"
"The Norman family’s old tricks are just that. Some old guys will itch when they see them. They will say," Fill in a pair of bags and make friends with Huang Xuan. "How can you still be a secret? I’m telling you, it’s not a secret when the secret is exposed. "
Usually people who have a glib tongue always like to talk more-they also know that silence is golden, but they always want to say "Maitreya Buddha". It seems that this is also the case.
Huang Xuan smiled uglily and said, "I’m not a Norman family." He also thought that it was strange that the Norman family was recognized as the Green Pine family before the war with the Green Pine family.
Strange things always have a reason. The biggest reason is that Huang Xuan occasionally reveals two or three bases because of the base management limit. Plus, Ning’ ao and his bases are different in color, which is easy to be distinguished.
Three 16-level bases and a 2-level base. Who would go to great lengths to get the maximum limit of such four low-level bases?
In addition, Huang Xuan likes to spend money on metal objects without restraint, and the style of glory is also very similar.
And his 19-story, 6-level network limit in the Green Tower is even more imaginative.
With these strength bases, it is easy to be guessed that he is a big family brother if not glory. This situation is a multiple-choice question.
All options can easily reach the 6-level network limit and can take out 4 base families.
The reason why R plane is mistaken for green pine is that before he cut off his arm, it was not ordinary people who cut off his arm, but a glory who cut off his arm and destroyed half of his energy precision control ability.
This seems to be due to his special gun drawing method.
Bao Bao doesn’t believe that anyone can be so complete in gun drawing technology, and it’s like killing Norman tricks. His mouth is bent and he laughs. "There’s nothing to admit, isn’t it a war?" Which family hasn’t fought? "
Huang Xuan didn’t explain it either. Speaking of it, it was also powerful for him. Instead, he got a bargain and told him, "Anyway, I said I’m not you don’t believe it."
This is like a hint, and I laughed. "So this topic is over. What do you want me to do?"
"I heard from Saeed that you are the biggest subcontractor of Green Tower?"
"The biggest one" bag filled with belly and smiled. "Why did you get a batch of biological warships from Said? What do you want this time? Hire travelers? "
"The traveler is done." Huang Xuan inadvertently revealed some strength, which was also his intention, and then said, "I want some mercenaries with higher levels."
Travelers come to attack, defend and drive biological warships, while mercenaries come to search for war benefits.
The package is quite calm. "Now the price of mercenaries has gone up sharply. Are you going to buy it or rent it?"
Huang Xuangang already knew the mercenary price from Xue Yi, and he was psychologically prepared before saying, "It is best to rent it. If the other party doesn’t want it, it can be bought."
"It’s easy to do with low requirements. There is no special level requirement, right?"
"Then how much money do you have?"
Huang Xuan was startled and didn’t expect people to be so direct.
It’s like laughing in the subway, "I’m a’ package firm’ and I want to make a package according to your predetermined amount."
Nick’s translation of "set meal" is getting better and better. When I heard it, I knew that it was convenient to pack and sell it like the grandchildren on Wall Street, so I agreed to "1.2 billion hot circle"
A 1.2 billion hot circle is equivalent to Huang Xuankang’s Mas family betting on 1.2 billion hot circles. Wendling’s family property is definitely more than 1.2 billion hot circles-out of trust in Ning’ ao, there is no time to assess risks.
With a nod, "1.2 billion hot circles are still quite a lot, just let it be", he disappeared into the room.
The gap between the rich and the poor in a plane is much larger than that in a single plane. On the one hand, the income of ordinary people is tens of thousands per standard month and about 20,000 per year to ensure their worries. On the other hand, travelers’ assets are easily calculated-the richest is that they have planes and high-level businessmen such as Mr. Comas and Bao Bao.
Although Hou Junlong, a representative of the Authority, doesn’t think much of Roger Comas, Mr Comas is still at the top of the whole world-his high-level position is like that of a future African leader, American Studies.
Although he studied in the same school as his American classmates, when he graduated from school, American classmates worked hard in government departments to work on Wall Street, while African classmates could go home to play with gems and trade arms.
Sometimes American students have a successful career and more money than African students, but more often African students have more money, even though they are in a poor and backward country.

Most of the people here have been assigned to several islands with large buildings in accordance with the evacuation rules.

Originally, it was necessary to transport the pool from the earth to maintain the situation, but now it has been changed to nine factions. After all, for the search and rescue team, the less the earth is connected, the less likely it is to leak-of course, the less it costs.
The whole ascension was based on the bill, and they spent more than two billion yuan in the next five months.
"Tens of millions of dollars can save a man, which is 10,000 times less efficient than the bullshit United Nations," yevgeny told Wu Xiaoqing. "This deal is very cost-effective."
"It’s too early to talk about salvation." Wu Xiaoqing has just learned Russian, but he has mastered the simple dialogue. "My plan is still … too taken for granted."
"No … I really think your idea is quite feasible and less moderate than we thought," yevgeny said. "It didn’t destroy the original ecological design of this planet … we all wanted to blow up that evil cloning factory."
The title of evil cloning factory is the first sentence that yevgeny blurted out after seeing the picture of the search and rescue team losing back.
In retrospect, evil is not appropriate-but it is the first reaction of all people after seeing this scene.
There is a huge ethical obstacle to human cloning on earth. This technology has appeared in the film, with the exception of villains.
After all, the basic unit of human society is the family, and the family is the cornerstone of the whole human moral building … The super-dense "human warehouse" like the factory of Ascension to Heaven is a devastating blow to this.
Everyone who ascended to heaven is a "practitioner", and everyone is an independent fairy-because everyone has no parents or daughters …
"How long will it take for the spaceship to come back?" Yevgeny added a question, "I really miss the taste of the toilet …"
Wu Xiaoqing said with a smile, "Professor, you can really go back … you can also go to Hawaii if you like, and have a good holiday at the hotel we knew at the beginning."
Yevgeny shook his head. "For a Russian who has given up drinking, Hawaii has lost its appeal, but here … there is something better than vodka … an antimatter spaceship … if I miss such a wonderful scene, I won’t forgive myself even if I spend my holiday in Hawaii every day for the rest of my life."
"It will take another 12 days for the spaceship to come back," Wu Xiaoqing said. "I can pick you up before then."
"No, I’ll wait here," yevgeny said. "I want to see that there is no spaceship and that tower …"
Yevgeny said Rita was a search and rescue team. The picture was just found today and sent in the afternoon. Both of them have seen it.
Before the former cloning factory, this tower was restored, and it didn’t feel fresh anymore-it was the same as the big island, it was sealed and it was covered by invisible film. The only difference was that the contents were slightly different.
There are big and small bubbles in the cloning factory, but there is a pile of materials like sediment in the self-restoring tower
The search and rescue team showed them the image data, and the specific principle did not say.
But judging from the progress of the picture, these sediments are obviously a combination of intelligent small creatures-just like a lot of ants … and they have great similarities with the design ideas of flying flies they have seen before.
That is to say, the whole ascension realm may be built by these robot insects themselves-they obviously have some intelligence to execute orders.
However, the search and rescue team did not show them the specific construction process. Even if Wu Xiaoqing wears glasses to the scene, the picture will be deliberately eliminated. According to the search and rescue team, this technology belongs to the sensitive technology that the earth people can get with a little effort.
25 melting sword ceremony
Search and rescue teams don’t trust them, but there is no need to minimize the risk of leaks. This is a principle.
Even if they have seen the cloning factory and probably know the feasibility and principle, it is impossible for the earth to copy it-because the moral resistance from reality is too great, this scientific and technological line may not become a reality in one or two thousand years.
But controllable mechanical insects or pocket industrial robots may have an impact on the earth, which is definitely dozens of times higher than that of nuclear bombs, according to the speculation of search and rescue teams.
"That’s" yevgeny said. "If we can control this kind of thing to make their land industry … then the nuclear deterrent will not work after it is over. It will be a human disaster, and maybe human beings will become a success in the future …"
"In fact, according to the view of the search and rescue team," Wu Xiaoqing said, "He also believes that the most reasonable development direction of human science and technology at present is towards the ground, not towards the wife. It is dangerous."
"Yes," yevgeny nodded. "If there are so many articles in the universe … similar to the article on the construction of ascension … that’s really more terrible. By the way, Wu Xiaoqing has always had a question I didn’t ask you …" yevgeny paused and looked at Wu Xiaoqing and looked at him. He probably understood the meaning. "Do you want to ask?"
Wu Xiaoqing pointed to his head and smiled. "Are you so divinatory?"

I got up and went out to drag some dead branches back.

"You’re wearing short sleeves. Do you want to light a fire?" The king kong gun muttered and threw a lighter.
"I suspect there is a hole in this side" I pointed.
Light the dead branches to see more clearly, and all the smoke department floated in along the gap at the top of the cave.
"Come here," I shouted. I smoked it out and ran to a big tree to drink beer.
"What?" King Kong cannon came along with the bottle.
"Do you sleep during survival class?" I woke him up. "Look at this smoke."
"Why have they all gone?" King Kong cannon looked up.
"This says this side has" I nodded and said.
"Do you mean there is a hole in it?" King Kong Gun woke up.
"Yes!" I must have nodded "and not small"
"Then let’s dig it up and see if it may be a place to put guns and ammunition in the former war. If you pay it then, you may be able to make a contribution." King Kong Bao said it in a dream
I twisted the kettle to put out the fire. To be honest, I was curious, but I didn’t expect there would be weapons left over from the war. I was always curious.
"Ladder" I took out a small shovel from my backpack and shouted at the King Kong cannon.
"Come on!" King Kong cannon quickly moved the remaining beer along and squatted on the wall.
I stepped on his shoulder directly.
Tilting his head and waving a shovel to dig, the result was unexpectedly smooth. Without a few shovels, he dug a one-foot square hole, which was dark and could not see anything. In summer, he felt that the hole was chilly and air-conditioned.
"Do you have a hand barrel?" I jumped from the shoulder of the king kong cannon.
"What am I doing with that thing in broad daylight?" King Kong cannon slapped his shoulders with dust.
"I can’t see anything inside," I shook my head and said.
"Light a torch" King Kong Bao came up with an idea "Go out and cut two branches" and I accepted his suggestion.
This guy deserves to be an engineer detachment. Cutting down a tree is still very efficient. He dragged two pine poles the thickness of a bottle back in a short time.
"It’s too thick to make do." I quickly tied two torches with gun oil and two towels in the rifle accessory box
"Pull me after you go, and I’ll go first, and you’ll suffer." I squatted down to help the wall.
"What’s going on inside?" I looked up at my aching shoulders.
"Black paint hemp black can’t see anything. Come on," said King Kong Cannon, lying down and stretched out his hand to pull me.
"Hurry up the torch" King Kong Gun took out a lighter and lit the torch.
After observing the surrounding situation by the torch, the two of them couldn’t help taking a breath in a gasp.
"Old in this doesn’t look like a place to put ammunition ….."
Chapter 5 Dongshan Tomb
I like reading extra-curricular very much when I am reading. It is the ancient unofficial history Classics Institute that immediately judged that this place is not an abandoned warehouse, and this point is a grave!
The tomb is about half the size of a basketball court and about three meters high. The torch can barely reach the end. The northeast corner has slightly collapsed. A pile of gray square brick chapters are scattered all over the tomb. It is cold and dry, and there is a faint smell of smell.
It’s not the first time I’ve touched the grave, but when I first came into close contact with the real grave, the feeling was shocking, and the fear rose from my heart, making me feel cold and my hands and feet trembled involuntarily.
"Old cow, give me a cigarette." I tried to calm myself down from the shock.
King Kong Bao shivered and took out his cigarette case and handed it to me. I looked at the one left. Take a deep breath. "Don’t be afraid to look."
"You’re the one who’s scared. Is it not good if I want to touch dead things?" He was disgusted with me saying that he was afraid, punching his face and pretending to be brave.
"I didn’t say anything touching. I wanted to see it." I shook my head and said, "Besides, according to our current position, your shit is pulling someone’s grave."
The king kong cannon didn’t say anything, and we walked in with torches step by step, for fear that something might be said that the machine had been ambushed. Later, I felt that every step was on the ground, and my heart gradually became steadfast.
"There’s a coffin." King Kong cannon pointed to the raised stone platform in the tomb and placed a big coffin in the north and south.
"I saw it. Don’t touch it. Look at something else." I nodded and said.
I walked to the north side of the tomb with a torch in my hand, where there was a table. The King Kong cannon still told me that he was afraid and angry, and he didn’t seem to follow the pile of scattered blue bricks in the northeast corner.
I approached the table with a torch and found that it was an ancient table, similar in style to today’s table, nearly half shorter in length and slightly upturned in corners with spray-shaped decoration.
There is thick dust and insufficient light on the desktop, and you can’t see what material it is. There are two oblate bowls on the desktop, which are similar to the alms bowl when monks alms, and there seems to be some granular things in it.
In addition, there is a thin stack of paper on the table, which should be much narrower than the size of 32 papers we have now. I put out my cigarette and reached for it. I don’t know what year and month it was crisp in my hand, and a lot of paper foam fell off. I was secretly sorry, but I heard the sound of King Kong cannon, "It’s older than here. Someone has been here. Come and see it."
I slipped the ancient book into my backpack and ran over to see the king kong cannon with a white woven bag yelling at me, "I’m too old to look at it. It’s been stolen here. Look, there’s a hole here."
I looked down and found that there was indeed a hole in the tomb floor, which was about as thick as our common small water tank, and the edge was smooth instead of messy edges and corners.
"They must have dug up a lot of good things and put them in bags." King Kong cannon was wearing the white woven bag. I stretched out my hand and took the bag in King Kong gunner’s hand and approached the torch. When I took a closer look, my whole body hair stood on end, and my heart suddenly contracted and I was in a cold sweat. What kind of bag is this? This point is a white and green snake skin.
"Snakeskin, this is the serpent’s peeling skin." I threw away the huge snakeskin in my hand in horror and shouted at the King Kong cannon.
"Ah …" King Kong Bao exclaimed and turned the rifle from behind to his hand and immediately turned pale.
At this time, a sharp scream came from the cave-in hole, followed by a pungent smell coming from the hole of our foot.
The snakeskin alone scared us half to death. When the advocate came back, we still got the key moment. We were trained to play.
"Open your mouth!" King Kong cannon quickly shoved his torch to me and turned it around. It was a shot at the mouth of the cave.
"Boom!" Although the huge gunshot shocked my brain, I still had a conditioned reflex, and I grabbed the ejected shell casing like a fire from the muzzle.
"You go first" and "I’ll go first" both of us shouted at the same time. It’s not that I’m afraid of death and I have to run first, but that during training, the army stipulates that unarmed comrades should be evacuated first when there is a weapon pad in an emergency.